Wednesday, September 29, 2021
My Favorite Things About Fall/Autumn
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Let's Chat
We are having a lovely thunderstorm this morning. The doors and windows are open, too, as they have been for days. I love this time of year.
It's nearly October. This month has become a huge birthday month for our family, including a few extended family members. I start the month off on the 3rd, my dil Kayleigh is on the 7th. Isla is on the 10th, Klaire on the 11th, my nephews son Kamden is on the 12th. My bil Dan is on the 13th, and then the best of all, my dear mil will be 100 on the 31st! That's a lot of celebrating and I love it!
Here are a few photos from our trip -
We had beautiful weather heading to South Carolina on Saturday. That would be our last day without rain for the whole trip!Uncle Kyle is popular with the grands when we visit. He wrestles with them and plays games.
We spent a part of a day at my nephew's house, too. We just love their family. The boys all played Minecraft together, and the adults had fun chatting and hanging out. They'll be here for Thanksgiving this year, too! Mom and Dad were happy to spend time with them, too! They hadn't seen each other since my nephew Evan's wedding four years earlier!
Speaking of Thanksgiving, we are up to 22 people for dinner - all family! I am so excited. I'm already planning my tablescape! We will split up the food so it's not all on Mom and I. We will be cooking the turkey's and making gravy, and we'll probably make the dressing/stuffing as well.
Do you have plans taking shape for Thanksgiving? I have learned to be flexible over the years with holidays.
Most years Rachel and Weston are in Tennessee with his family for Thanksgiving, some years Lindsay and Joseph have other plans. One year some of us went to Florida to have Thanksgiving with Tim's mom. I wanted to cook and bring my dishes etc, but the family overruled me, and we ate at Cracker Barrel and you know what? It was a wonderful meal and time together. I just embraced it for what it was. Time with Tim's mom, brother in law, our niece and her daughter. (my sister in law was in New York state caring for her mil that holiday)
This year we are discussing whether we can fit everyone in here for the day, with a bunch of little ones, too. So maybe we'll use the fire hall and I'll bring all my dishes, and tablescape stuff like candles and flowers etc. It remains to be seen what we do. But we'll be having a huge family gathering this year, and we are all looking forward to being together!
Monday, September 27, 2021
We had a beautiful weekend. The weather has been spectacular!
Friday we did not have family night as several family members went to our local ag fair for the last night of the fair. Also Mom, Dad, Tim and I were tired.
We opted for an easy dinner and a movie. It was a relaxing Friday night. Saturday, I did cleaning of some windows, folded laundry, and did some other household chores. Tim worked on our vehicles, oil change and tire rotation for the van and replaced a U joint on his Tahoe. Then he went to help Lindsay with a tree limb that was hanging down from a tree on her property.
Yesterday, we had church then came home and ate left over ham and scalloped potatoes from dinner Saturday. The grand girlies were with us. They actually went swimming! The water was cold, and Klaire didn't last but Kamryn stayed in for a good hour or so. That was likely the last swim of the season.
We sat out on the deck and watched them swim, then came inside. I took an unplanned nap that felt good, and after reading for a bit, I went outside to sit on the patio. The weather was perfect.
Friday, September 24, 2021
Good News Friday
You all know what today is, right?
Arizona Audit Report Day!
Here is a little tidbit of information that we do know from the report. Arizona recently processed 673,000 voter identities with the Social Security Administration and found that 58% had No Match Found! That is huge!
What this means is 390,340 of these "voters" have no social security number! Which means they are fake voters/votes.
This is just from Maricopa County!
The information coming out of that audit are going to be pretty amazing. This also means that those who don't want you to pay attention to the audit are going to try to do some kind of distraction. Last time they thought the audit was coming out we had the bombing in Afghanistan, so be watchful and careful.
Have you seen the videos from the college football games? Tens of thousand of fans all packed in and cheering!
Penn State 2021 White Out
Friday, September 17, 2021
Good News Friday
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
A Favorite Autumn Recipe
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
A Bit Of This And That
We finally had a sit down family dinner last night, so it was my parents first dinner in their new home. I made poppy seed chicken and sliced up some wonderful local peaches.
They have worked very hard, my mom especially. We are happy to have them here. Yesterday they wandered in and out of the living room, sat and visited, and are happily adjusting. My mom especially likes our cat visiting her and sleeping on her bed!
Thank you for your prayers.
Now for a bit of interesting video.
This is from 2019.
If you don't understand that these people are trying to control us, I don't know what will make you wake up. I saw a clip from Tucker Carlson's show last night and it was excellent and so scary.
Talking heads speaking of our rights in this nation as privileges. Privileges can (and will) be taken from you, rights cannot so easily be taken.
I am also concerned for my "Unknown" commenter. Three weeks have gone by without a peep from her. I hope she just got bored with me, and not that she has been ill, or worse.
We start our co-op this week. Klaire gets to take a ballet class, so of course I bought her a cute outfit and slippers. {here} and {here}
It's an interesting place to be in the middle of kids in the home, grandkids, and parents in the home. I do believe multigenerational living is a blessing to us all. Obviously our grands don't live with us, but some of them live very close to our home, and we spend a lot of time with them weekly.
Well, these are the things on my heart this morning. I hope you have a wonderful day friends.
Monday, September 13, 2021
This was moving weekend, and it went great! It was a very long day on Saturday, so many things to move! But they are in and we are in the midst of getting them settled in. I'll have better photos later this week, once some of their boxes have been emptied and stored downstairs!
We have a few items of furniture to get rid of still, and mom thinks that she will not keep her china hutch after all, but other than that, everything is here, including the china hutch! ha! They close on their house in two weeks.
Tim is an incredible servant of people. He has worked endlessly, doing the bulk of the work, with Kyle as a helper. Our great friends, Mike and Daniel, and also Wes, Sarah, Lindsay and Joseph got them packed into the truck and moved.
Sweet relief to have that part over!
My walls are not mustard colored, but I wanted to show you a photo of our cozy bed. Tim and I, our dressers, my bedside table, a chair and a bookcase and California King bed are tucked in this room. We have used this bedroom before, but with a smaller bed. It's completely comfortable, easy to get around in.
My parents have said they are sleeping very well here. That's good. Last night we watched a movie with them that they had not seen. My dad liked it, my mom didn't. Oh well.
Sarah had friends over last evening for a cookout and a campfire. This begins her last week at home. We leave this weekend to get her settled at school, and visit our daughter Emma and her family in Tennessee. Our faithful house sitters, Wes and Rachel, will be staying here with Watson. The summer has flown.
We are all looking forward to this trip. The summer was full of readying two houses for this move of my parents to our home. So much sorting, tossing, trips to Goodwill, packing.
Let me just say this. Go through your things. Pass things you don't use or need onto others in your family, or to friends, sell them online, donate them. Don't keep things just because you have room for them. Someone will have to deal with all the things at some point. Tim found a bin with my dad's astronomy notes from his from college classes nearly 60 years ago! They moved them from California 23 years ago, stuck the bin in a storage spot in their garage and haven't remembered they were there all these years!
I'm thankful that I have been sorting through things the last several years. I have a lot of decor stuff and tea pots and tea cups I'll have to deal with one day, but for now they are used and loved.
I may get a bit of fall decor out this week. When we return from our five day trip next week on the autumnal equinox. It will be cozy to return to my collection of small glass pumpkins, throws on the chairs and couch. I need to put fresh batteries in my faux flickering candles. I got mine from Amazon and they are similar to {these.}
I love the flicker and I can use them on shelves and in different spots around my home, without worry of the grands knocking into them or the cat!
Of course I use my diffuser daily for good scents in the house, I have one in my bedroom for sleep (its awesome!). I'm already trying out autumn scents.
Here is a graphic from Pinterest with some nice combinations.
Well, I should get moving in my day. School with Kyle, some stuff in my room to find a home for, helping my mom in her room.
Have an excellent day, friends!
Friday, September 10, 2021
Good News Friday
Yes, friends, there is still good news. In fact the crazier the things get, the more people wake up, and start realizing just how these people want to fundamentally change the United States.
I always used to say, "Why don't these people, who want communism, just go to a communist country to live?" Now I see that the people in this country pushing for those things are controlled by others. They are doing what their 'puppet masters' want.
For JB there are many areas where he is compromised, but for all of them ultimately it's through China. But behind China, there are the deep state or central bankers.
Years ago we watched a documentary with a friend about the Rothschilds. Mayer Amschel Rothschild said "Give me control of a nations money, and I care not who makes the laws."
Do you know that central banks are in nearly every country in the world? (Russia kicked them out this year) The Federal Bank is ours. Did you know its not controlled by the US but is a privately owned bank? (they "allow" the President to pick the the Fed chair) They print our money, and we as a country buy it from them and pay it back with interest. Isn't that amazing? That's what our nations' debt is from.
If you research about it more you'll find the central bankers decided some years ago to bring down the US from prominence and to elevate china. That is why the several of the presidents have made the choices they did. When O got into office there was a 16 year plan to bring the US down. HRC was supposed to be president after him, and she would have finished the job in her two terms. (they cheat to get people on both sides into office) DJT and the people interrupted their plan, even though most of us did not even realize what was going on.
Now they are in such a rush to try to get back to their plan, that everything they are doing is so obvious! They used to do things slowly while we were distracted by sports, and Hollywood. Now we see, and know what's going on.
This photo shows us everything we need to know. GS is not a Rothschild, but he is a controller of people. In the Wikileaks emails from HRC she was often meeting with GS or getting emails from him. He has power, and uses taxpayer monies to fund things like Antifa. These protesters get paid on debt cards.
In July, JB's spokesperson said this. They lie all the time.
The good news is, we see it and know it, and so do others.
Here is a list of Republican Governor's who are already publicly opposing JB's mandate.
Kristi Noem - South Dakota
Brian Kemp - Georgia (he's compromised by China)
Kevin Stitt - Oklahoma
Greg Abbott - Texas
Kay Ivey - Alabama
Mark Gordon - Wyoming
Bill Lee - Tennessee
Pete Ricketts - Nebraska
Brad Little - Idaho
Kim Reynolds - Iowa
Henry McMaster - South Carolina
Mike Parson - Missouri
Doug Ducey - Arizona
Tate Reeves - Mississippi
The mandate is not a law, and it is Unconstitutional! It won't stand.
They're trying to do many things, but mostly they haven't done anything that can't be reversed.
I feel very hopeful and cheered by the amount of people who I see are awake and calling their state government and their federal senators and congresspeople!
Earlier this week, Tim tried calling our Governor's office and kept getting the message that they couldn't take the call. He kept at it for an hour, calling and calling. Just to blow up their phones! LOL!
If you don't like to talk on the phone, email them. Do it everyday.
These people need to see that we are paying attention now and we must remind them that they work for us!
I see what they are doing as PANIC, actually. The people are now out of their control, because we no longer believe the legacy media, who are just a mouthpiece for the deep state. I do think though that they will try to shut down the internet to keep us from having alternative sources of information, since they have tried by deleting accounts on social media and that hasn't helped.
Have you heard that the sun is "waking up" and they are concerned that solar storms may affect the internet in North America? Isn't that interesting timing? It wouldn't affect the power grid apparently, but the internet. Hum. They are setting the narrative for this possibility.
Also, if you've been paying attention, they keep talking of supply line problems, and people are beginning to see issues with products not being available. I recommend stocking up on food items, and other household products, just in case there are issues. Besides you'll be ready for those pesky winter storms, and not have to run to the store!
I follow George News online and one thing they posted recently is this -
We are draining the swamp, and the swamp is fighting back! We will win!
I believe this is happening. I believe they are getting desperate. It's life or death for them. If they lose all their lies come out, all their crimes against the people. They don't want this to happen. In the past they've gotten away with it, and they've protected each other, but I believe that this time, behind the scenes so to speak, they are being fought and that they are going to lose.
Their biggest fear was that we'd wake up. That's why they worked so hard for years to keep us distracted. Why so many of us came to believe there was nothing we could do when they did things that we didn't like or agree with. We'd nearly given up before DJT came along to remind us that the power belongs to the people!
This is why they planned the January 6th capitol 'riot.' Those were FBI assest and Antifa, who did damage to the building. The rally being planned for September 18th is another. They want to try to get people to believe that it is DJT supporters who are being violent. Not the case at all.
We don't believe in violence!
So many things that people said were conspiracy theories are now shown to be true.
Tomorrow is 9/11 and is actually the 20th anniversary. Sad day in our nations history.
Keep praying friends, be wise and be active. Stop watching the main stream media. Enjoy your family, live your life as a free person!
I'll be back on Monday with my parents all moved in! Wow!
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Let's Chat
We started school yesterday. Normally Kyle and I have about 20 days of school done by now, but we've been busy with selling my parents house, and getting ours ready for them to move in.
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Early Autumn Garden
I will not be showing you the weeds that we've been too busy to pull. However I will show you the beauty of my wonderful zinnias and some fading flowers.
Monday, September 6, 2021
We had a busy weekend.
On Friday Mom, Rachel and I went to get to haircuts from our friend who owns her own salon.
My secretary now lives in our living room. I really like it in this room, and it may stay here forever, but probably not this spot.
Home Keeping
After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...

Sunday was Charter Day here in Pennsylvania. We celebrate the king giving William Penn's father the charter for this land, by opening a...
Today is Melissa's due date -she is in labor and she and Geoff were headed to the birthing center to have the baby! I know she will co...