Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

My Favorite Things About Fall/Autumn


I have so many favorite things about this season that I thought I would make a list here, and we can talk about what your favorite things are, too.

In some ways this may seem a frivolous post, considering the state of our nation, and the world, but I would say that in spite of these circumstances we must also LIVE. We must celebrate birthdays, rejoice in victories, create havens for our families, love our neighbors, be thankful for the Lord's provision.

So without further ado here is my list of things I love about fall/autumn.

1. I love that I am an October baby!

2. I love the sunshiny days and cool nights.

3. I love having a campfire.

4. I love that it gets dark early!

5. I love putting adding a light jacket or cardigan to what I am wearing for the day.

6.  I love road trips to see the changing leaves.

7. I love that the leaves change color!!!

8. I love wearing scarves.

9. I love wearing boots!

10. I love hosting our Fall Fest every year!

11. I love going to our local produce stand for pumpkins, mums, and apple cider!

12. I love apple cider donuts!

13. I love cooking comfort foods.

14. I love walking through crunching leaves.

15. I love putting my garden to bed until spring.

16. I love turning my battery candles on every evening.

17. I love my essential oils diffuser going throughout the day into the evening. There are so many awesome diffuser blends.

18. I love to begin shopping for Christmas.

19. I love our wood stove burning.

20. I love decorating the outside of my home with pumpkins, gourds and mums.

21. I love my little collection of glass and ceramic pumpkins.

22. I love to change my dishes out seasonally. (I use Friendly Village in the autumn)

23. I love getting my wool plaid throws out for the autumn and winter seasons.

24. I love gathering for Thanksgiving.

25. I love the chance to share my love of this season with others!

I'm sure when I read your favorite things, I'll think "Oh, I love that, too!" I adore this season of the year so much.


Vee said...

I love drives taken specifically to ooh and ahh over this autumn scene or that. Otherwise, I think you have it covered.

Yes, I get it. Writing a blog these days must be a challenge since it does all feel so very trivial. You are correct to say that
life goes on and we must live.

ellen said...

I agree with you about everything. I have to add-I love wearing socks again!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

You too, love that it gets dark earlier!!!!!!!!!


Are we the only 2 people in the world, who do??????????????


And of course, especially with all the various horrors going on, in our Dear Country, and the world, it is even more important to LIVE and to find all the Joy we can, in so doing.

Good grief yes!!!!!!!!


Kim said...

I know you know that summer is my favorite. However, we went out east this weekend and the farm stands were bursting with color. The corn was so sweet, the sky was super blue and it was just a lovely day. I also agree that we have to find the happy moments where we can!!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

And today, I have another fav. -smile-

Following one football team.

I'm having FUN with this, today, with my post. -smile-
😊 🏈 😊

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