Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, February 6, 2009

Good Morning!

Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement on the change in my schedule!

One change for me is that I am the one getting up early to take the dogs out to well, stretch their legs and suc
h. :) Tim used to do this as he was already up. I have come to realize that I like doing this. It is quiet, right now it is cold outside baby, and it is a nice way to start my day.

I haven't posted since Wednesday, I was doing prep for co-op yesterday morning, and in the evening the girls and I watched the second half of Wives and Daughters.

This is a mini series from the BBC. The girls and I really liked it. We may look for it to buy it. Have any of you seen it?

I also am working on a website for our homeschool co-op. I have never done it before but I am being walked through it so I hope to get it done over the weekend.!

Hope you all have a wonderful day!


Becky K. said...

I am so glad we will be able to use this awesome sight!

Enjoy the morning time. It is precious!

Karen said...

I'm not a morning person and yet I find my day seems smoother when I am up earlier/alone. It does seem an easier start to the day and is much better for my quiet time, too. I'm not consistent about rising early, though. :-/

Good luck on the website. Sounds challenging!

Anonymous said...

If you need a header for the site let me know!!

Anonymous said...

I love Wives and Daughters! The last time I got it from the library was just a month ago! Glad your new schedule is working out for you! I'm so not a morning person :-)


Pink Slippers said...

Reading this post and the last gave me such a feeling of peace. I loved reading about the kids doing things with Dad. Moving firewood, feeding horses...some people in the world don't understand how wonderful things like that are. I grew up with horses but they were kept at a stable because we were not zoned for them. But let me tell you some of my fondest memories as a child were things like your children are doing. Those are the moments that make me smile when I think back. Some people would say it's work--I say it's cherished moments for when your older.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...