Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Day, Jane Austen Style

Being a firm fan of dear Miss Austen, I have been enjoying the Jane Austen week at The Barefoot Mama.

Yesterday we woke to very cold temperatures indeed. It was delightful to be able to stay indoors and see to my domestic responsibilities.  The children worked at their music, arithmetic, and penmanship skills.

We were delighted to have my husband at home for the better part of the day, and enjoyed a delicious mid-day meal together.  There is always such lively conversation and the children's manners are coming along beautifully!

Even though he had many things to attend to in overseeing our small estate, my kind and thoughtful husband took the children outside to take advantage of windy conditions and fly their kite.  Such fun for everyone!  He then took some time to see to the comfort of our faithful dogs, by adding some old carpeting to their dog house. He is all goodness, indeed!

I attended to my correspondence in the afternoon, and later saw my husband off to his work away from our home.  The young ladies in the family, being invited to go to a dinner party with their Grandparents, began to prepare for the evening.  They help their Grandpapa every month at the local establishment that has been set up to deal with fires.  Their esteemed Grandpapa is the President of this company.  He, along with their Grandmama, took the four young ladies to a dinner honoring all those who volunteer their time.  They had a delightful time.  Later, Miss Emily was invited to go and spend the night with her Grandparents.  Each of the children love to do this!

After they arrived home, I helped the younger girls to prepare for bed and tucked them in!  Motherhood is a delight to me, and the way my children are developing pleases me greatly!

My eldest and I spent some time in my chambers talking and reading before she headed off to bed.

It was a day that was filled with ordinary home tasks, yet it was filled with such felicity that it was a true delight.


Ronda said...

Hello my dear Mrs. Rabe,
What a blessing those kind of days can be. Such ordinary lovliness that most over look, and take for granted. I find them to be a lovely gift.
Love & Prayers,

Becky K. said...


And yes, Chelsea did get a eye!

Melanie said...

Hi, Hope you are having a blessed day!

Cheri' said...

This was such a fun post! I loved it!

sherry said...

I'm all astonishment, dear MrsRabe. hehe.

What, praytell, are you planning for the morrow?

Kelly said...

I love the homeyness of this post.

~~Deby said...

Dearest Mrs. Rabe,
I found this gently worded post wonderfully poetic in nature in a way that made my heart think fondly of you and yours. Give my regards to Miss Austen.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful day. The way each and every day should look. Thanks for sharing.

Mimi said...

Great job with Miss Austen's style.

Anonymous said...

How delightful for the children to attend an assembly with their grandparents! The young ones must have enjoyed an exceedingly diverting time indeed. What proper chaperones, as well.

Enjoy a most splendid week's end! (thanks for playing along, mama!)

Anonymous said...

P.S. Mrs. Rabe, you have my ALL TIME FAVORITE praise and worship song - "He Reigns" - on your playlist. I love hearing it when I come visit!

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