Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Please Pray

My dear sister in law is in the hospital being treated for colitis.  Here is a link to her blog.

She and my big brother have alot going on this year...their first grandchild is due anytime, their youngest turns 18, then graduates from high school, one of their kids is moving back this-a-way(!) and their oldest daughter is getting married in November!
All that and our parents (Rob and mines') will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this summer!

Love you Paula!  Hey, maybe you can have Evan bring you your pink laptop and keep in touch with us...although, if you are on pain meds....actually that could prove interesting....

We're praying!


Vikki G said...


sherry said...

I'll pray, yes! Colitis is no walk in the park. <><

Ronda said...

I am and have been praying for Paula. Although I did not know she was in the hospital.
Thanks for letting us know she's in the hospital.
Love & Prayers,

Nicole said...

I will be praying!

Pink Slippers said...

Will be praying...

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone so much!! I am home and slow going but I am Praising God the worst is over!

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