Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, February 19, 2009


For not posting sooner...I have read all your blogs and enjoyed keeping up with you all, but just felt like I had nothing to say.

Last night the girls and I watched the second disk of this movie we got from Netflix.

I highly recommend it!  This is based on a book by Elizabeth Gaskell.  She is also the author of "Wives and Daughters" and "Cranford."  These are also movies made by the BBC.

I also have been working on decluttering the house...I worked in my room yesterday.  I also needed to rearrange the layout so that it was more "user" friendly - I think I did it!  I will show you photos later, as I finished around 8:00 p.m. and then we watched the movie.

I have been reading about the coming demographic winter, and watching our nation become a socialist one...if you have ever noticed, the average person doesn't do well in these countries so we are pondering and planning a larger garden, are a couple of good links for preparing for the unexpected.  Preparation: part 1

When Tim and I were in missions training we did a 6 weeks long program called "jungle camp."  Tim built our house in the woods, it had logs for the framing and landscaping plastic for the walls. He built all our furniture of wood from the woods...he built our stove and oven (it worked wonderfully), I did our laundry with a manual wringer washer....canned meat, that we could have our food for 6 weeks...we made a shower out of a 5 gallon bucket with a sprinkler head - it felt great at the end of the day, when we would climb into the platform bed Tim made and read by lantern light.  We are thankful for that training, as it taught us that you can live and have a lovely life anywhere!  I am seeing that it is great preparation for living in possible reduced circumstances, as well.

I guess I found my voice, eh?  


Becky K. said...

So, that is where Lindsay get it!
Her love of all things survival.

I agree that it is a good time to brush up of the fundamentals of taking care of our basic needs, but not a time to panic.

God is our fortress and our Peace. He is our Provider and Friend.

Pink Slippers said...

Thanks for the recommendation.

Tracy said...

I do go to the church where teach meets

Donna said...

We are growing worried about the times ahead. We are normally optimistic people. But this current administration is making things worse by interferring with the economy. And people are not ready to be accept a lower standard of life. It won't be pretty when reality does not meet unrealistic expectations. It is good to know how to do things and know how to survive when the time comes.

Vikki G said...

Thank you for the post~ Will look into the other website as I can also see that we as a people really do need to become more self-sufficient.

Anonymous said...

thanks for your post. it was really great to read. I'm new here and thought I 'd say hi and see what's good to read. Love your site.

sherry said...

Thank you for posting, MrsRabe! You have plenty to say and we're all ears! :o)

Double Nickel Farm is a great site, isn't it? Thanks for the link to the Vision Forum article.

I agree with Becky that we shouldn't panic, but we need to view the truth with open eyes and prepare for what very well may come down the raod, so to speak. That's what we're doing. :o)

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

I have that movie on my Blockbuster que and am looking forward to seeing it.

"If the stimulus package goes through we will all be on a monitoring list and heath care and treatments will be rationed based on whether it is cost effective." - I'd like to know where she gets her information. If you make a statement like that you need to site your source. As far as I know this is totally untrue.


sherry said...

Would you take time to share more about your missions training? The biblical perspective of course, in addition to how exactly and where you lived in the wilderness. I'm so interested. :o)

Kelly said...

We have been thinking along those lines as well. I do not see it as panic at all, just as wise preparation. We just had our taxes done and were discussing the wisest things to do with the return, and one thing we plan to do is to buy what we need to grow vegetables in containers on our deck because we really don't have a good place for a garden otherwise. We also talked about my buying canning jars and canning fruits and vegetables. There is nothing wrong with preparing for the worst. That way if it happens, you are as ready as you can be, and if it doesn't happen, you really haven't wasted anything.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Becky, you are right that we need not panic...

Tracy, I need to email you to see if you know our sister in law's sister!

Lady Jane, I will write more about our experience with the training. I am going to dig out the old photos (no digital in those days) and see if I can get good scans to include with the post....

Kelly, I really like growing some of the food we helps the budget alot! I want to get some fruit trees this year...I want our land to work for us!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...