Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Thrifted Find!

I am always in awe of the great items that Manuela finds at her local thrift store.  I was out with my oldest daughter yesterday and we decided we would pop in to our local Goodwill store.  We looked around for quite awhile and headed back to where they have household goods.  After looking at all of Rhoda's beautiful creamware this week, a cute little pitcher caught my eye.  I made my way over to it and picked it up.  It had a little nick on the rim, but perfect I thought to sit on a shelf and look beautiful.  It had vines and grapes on it, it was not too small.  I liked it right away.  I turned it over to find a price - it was a great price.  Then the marking on the bottom caught my eye. 

I couldn't believe it!  I wondered if it were truly Wedgwood.  So I did a bit of research this afternoon.  It really is Wedgwood.  I found a site selling this exact piece for way more than I paid for it!

Want to have a look?
Cute, isn't it?  Oh, and do you want to know how much I paid for it?

It is one of the best finds I have ever made!  I am sure they had no idea what it was!

Now I must go find a place for it!


Anonymous said...

That will look pretty in any room you decide!

Karen said...

Great find!

Such fun!

sherry said...

Oh goodness, that's a find if there ever was a find!

I have a complete set of vintage Wedgewood from Rocky's grandparents. I rarely use it. In fact, in 20 years of marriage I've used it 3 times. Sad, isn't it?

Humble wife said...

wOw! You are a great thrifter(what we call a bargain finder!!!)


Anonymous said...

That is an amazing find! It's a really nice piece! I love it when things like that happen.


Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...