Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, March 9, 2009

Emily Had A Birthday

She wanted to have a friend sleepover and she wanted to have all our friends over in the evening....
Kyle helping Emily - he adores her!

Emily found a dish pattern she loves so we have started to collect it for her; Johnson Brothers Old Britain Castles.

After church, we ate at B.K. and then Dad took the kids on a hike to house rock.  Lindsay and I stayed behind to work on last minute preparations for the evening.
Emily's friend Amber - they all had so much fun, hiking and exploring.

In this photo you can see Grandpa, and a lot of the other friends who came last night.  It was the kind of get together we love, good food, lots of conversations, kids playing...great stuff.
Even though she didn't want gifts, everyone brought them anyway!  

This fun thing is a caterpillar neck pillow.  Our friends always get at least one "joke" gift, but my girls always end up loving them!  This one is going to California this week!

Our dear girl is a wonderfully sweet, caring young lady.  She is growing into a fine woman.  We are very proud of her!


Becky K. said...

It is fun to watch the faces of the givers as their gift is opened. It truly is fun to give...that is why people do it.

I love that dish pattern Emily chose. She is going to have a wonderful set when she is done.

Emily is a very special girl and I am so happy to know her.

sherry said...

Love the pillow! The dishes are beautiful, what a nice collection being added to. Very classic.

Happy Birthday to your lovely young lady daughter. They sure grow up fast, don't they? :o) Sweet things...

Unknown said...


looks like you all had a great time!

Melissa G said...

Happy Birthday to Emily! I looks like she had a fun day. The caterpillar pillow is cute!

Anonymous said...

Emily is beautiful!! I am glad she had fun!! We will make sure she has fun here!!!

Kevin said...

Happy Birthday, Emily! The world is a lovlier place because you were born!
With love and blessings,
Jen and Kev Levellie

evan mcelrath said...

OK So I already told her this but Happy Number 13 Emily!!!!!

Miss Paula- What do you mean we will make sure she has fun here? I don't think so. No fun allowed!!

Karen said...

Happy Birthday to your Emily!

~~Deby said...

Happy Birthday to a beautiful young woman...Emily
I too am a lover of Johnson Brothers dishes
I collect:
Rose Chintz
and Summer Chinta...
I used to have the blue Indies..oh I just love their stuff.
Good choice, Emily

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your sweet girl, Deanna!! What a blessing she is! I love those dishes! ;o) And the BK crown ROCKS!!

Humble wife said...

Happy Birthday to a lovely young woman! I love the goof gift!

I believe that you have every reason to be very proud of her!

~~Deby said...

I meant to add...I have gotten my Johnson Brother dishes, mostly off of Craig's list or yard cheap...

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