Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Prayer Request

Tomorrow, my Tim, will be having hip replacement surgery.  He is young, but has suffered with arthritis since his childhood.  Our family doctor and the two orthopedic doctors that we consulted with, all commented upon seeing his xray "Wow.  That hurts." They couldn't believe that his hip was so bad and he was just now coming in about it.

He is getting the Trilock hip replacement which simply means that the femoral head is larger (this goes into the hip socket) and will give him greater mobility and range of motion than the traditional hip replacement.  After his 6 weeks of therapy and such he will be back to work with no limitations.  This is an answer to prayer already.

I would be so thankful for your prayer for us all as we have lots of little details that have to take place.  Coordinating babysitting for my youngest children, as my older girls and parents are in California.  They fly home tomorrow! How we have missed them!  

Tim has to get a shot of radiation before the surgery to deal with bone spurs, as well.  If everything goes according to plan, he should be coming home Friday or possibly Saturday.  

Lots to do today, as well, I have my annual check up (why didn't I reschedule?), we are dropping off my husbands van for my son to use for a few days, taking the kids to Chick-fil-A(whoo hoo) and lots of stuff like that.

I will take my trusty laptop and attempt to update if I can find wireless at the hospital tomorrow.

We are not fearful, but a tad anxious.  We trust the Lord's sovereignty in all things.  I am now going to have to get into is hard enough to keep up with my husband, and once he gets the new hip....let's just say the kids and I think he will be bionic!  hee hee


Becky K. said...

Oh my! A bionic Tim is more than I can wrap this poor brain around.


It is a good thing that he will have less pain. The kids need him for Ultimate Frisbee!

Love you guys!

Ronda said...

My Sweet Mrs. Rabe,
Please know that I am now and will be praying for Tim.

Love & Prayers,

Tracy said...

I will be praying! Tell Tim to hang in there. I know recovery from this is no fun.

Donna said...

I will be praying for your sweet Tim! My hubby will be facing hip surgery in the next few years and I will probably get a knee replacement late this year. We need the bionic parts to keep us going, huh? {{{hugs}}}

sherry said...

I'm praying!!! <><

My brother in law had hip replacement surgery a couple years ago and needed very little pain meds (post surgery) because the the pain level was much lower than before the surgery! I pray that's your Tim's experience as well, MrsRabe. :o)

Bless you dearly.

~~Deby said...

Praying for Tim and ALL the details and the next days and weeks for you and yours.

Melissa G said...

We'll be thinking of you all and praying for you too.
I wish i could be there to help baby sit! Those little cousins of mine are the sweetest!
Love ya!

Karen said...

Praying for all your concerns.

LOL on the bionic man.

Alicia @ said...

Praying for you Tim!!! God is the great physician and we can rest knowing that!! Keep us all updated!!

Oh and have an extra yummy time at Chick Fil A!!! YUM!!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thank you all for your sweet comments and prayers! All the details with the kids are arranged for the next few days, so I am at ease.

Blessings to you all!

Anonymous said...

Praying, mama! Big time! (& Ed put your package in the mail for me yesterday...should take just about a day!)

Vikki G said...

Your family will be in my prayers~ I hope and pray the Lord gives you the strength to do all that must be done and the He guides the doctor's as they operate. I pray a speedy recovery for your husband.
Vikki Goedmakers

Kevin said...

We will pray. God is faithful, and he loves you all more than imaginable.
Love, Jen and Kev

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