Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Is Here!


and I say "Hallelujah!"  

We had a long, cold winter and while we may yet have a Spring snow storm, I know that it wont last.  How do I know?  My lilac is leafing out, I have "weeds" in my flower beds, the grass is greening up and we see the sun alot more!

I always get excited this time of year.  We are getting to the home stretch with our schoolwork and our homeschool convention is coming up.  I soon will be able to enjoy my perennial gardens, we will take more trips to Longwood Gardens! In late spring - early summer we move into a more relaxed mode for a time.  It is good and enjoyable!

We took advantage of the beautiful weather we had this weekend to visit with friends who came to see Tim.  Tim is worried that he will become very bored while he is recovering so he was especially pleased to have company and to get to church this weekend.

Yes, you read that right.  He is doing so well, we went to church.  Everyone is amazed at how he is doing.  Our friend wants to bottle whatever kind of pain tolerance he might have....

What did you do this weekend?  I know Miss Paula paid a visit to her grandson, Cayden, I know Becky was here at the cottage last evening....I can't wait to hear what you have been up to.


~~Deby said...

Spring is arriving here too...think we were a bit on the same page on our posts....
Saturday I had coffee with a friend in the morning, then a grandsons birthday party...
Sunday..wonderful services at church...

sherry said...

Soooo thankful to learn Tim is doing well. Remember me saying that my brother in law recovered amazingly fast and that he didn't need much in the way of pain meds? That's because they comparison of pain pre to post surgery was vast.

I'm praying for Tim's continued recovery. <><

Been busy organizing, tidying, spiffing and planning. Rocky and Lizzie put down the laminate in Lizzie's room and Rocky completed the baseboards. One room down, three to go. :o)

I *think* I'm over the respiratory plague. ;o)


Donna said...

Wow, Tim sure is doing great! I would still be laying on the couch and hugging my pain pill bottle, LOL. He is going to be completely healed up by the time that summertime season is here.

Everyone is excited about spring. Enjoy those lilacs!

Anonymous said...

The boys mercied the other team in softball!!! Robert and Evan hung a new ceiling fan in Evan's room.
Robert and I went to our friend's, The Smiths to watch a movie and dinner. Yesterday was church and afterwards Rob and Kaitlin had a meeting for their Arizona Service trip. We watch "The Secret Life of Bee's" last night. ALthough it sounds busy, it didn't seem like it! And yes, we did visit Cayden and Ryan and Alicia!!

I am happy to hear Tim is doing so well!! You could teach him to knit!! Or he could write a book!!

Alicia @ said...

YAY for Spring!! We had a bit of spring rain, but other than that the weather has been so beautiful! We are enjoying being able to go on walks! Our weekend was great, but as always goes WAY to fAST!! Saturday was a family day for the three of us, then robert and paula stopped by for a bit. Sunday we took Cayden to see my parents and had dinner! A relaxing but fun weekend.

It's so good to hear about Tim....WOW!! God is so good!

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Oh, I hope there is no more snow! I am really ready for some warmer weather! :-)

Happy day,

Kelly said...

I don't think, and I certainly hope, there will be NO more snow!

We took Duane's parents and the six of us got in the car and drove up through the Middlecreek area, and then stopped by two farms on the way home to see some newborn kids. I have some pictures posted on my blog.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...