Last night, we started a read aloud as a family. We haven't had a read aloud with Tim for years! The book we are reading is "The Scottish Chiefs", by Jane Porter with illustrations by N.C. Wyeth. This book is a nice compliment to our World History studies.

I must say that I did too. There is something relaxing and soothing about having a read aloud. This book is very big, we will be reading it for awhile - I wonder if we can get it done before Tim's six weeks disability are over? That would be great, as I don't know if we could get back to it once he heads back to work....
What kind of books do you like to read and do you ever do family read alouds?
Occasionally Warren gets in on the tail end of one of our read a louds from school if we happen to finish it in the evening. Unfortunately time does not usually permit all of us to read a loud with Warren from start to finish.
I don't read aloud except with grandsons....but my husband and I just bought new Bibles from Rock of Ages prison ministry (for evry Bible you buy 2 go into prisons)....well we are going to start going through them together, outloud, for as long as it takes..I am looking forward to it..
Looks like a cozy thing to do.
What a wonderful looking family! Glad that Tim is able to bless you all in this way while he is "disabled". I'm generally the read aloud person, unless it's the Bible, which Verne reads to us.
Read alouds were a favorite activity as a family. We MADE time for it ;-) I want to do that with my family someday!
What a great family activity! You have a sweet looking family too, LOL.
I love this post, Deanna, and I've been waiting to let you know. :o) I finally don't have a nursing baby in my arms, she's beside me, LOL.
I can't wait to do family readalouds. Grace is really into reading, and we've been doing readalouds - the four of us - from her Little Golden Book anthology with The Poky Little Puppy, The New House in the Forest, and The New Baby being her favorites. I guess two out of three are pretty reflective of her life. No puppy any time soon. No way. :o)
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