Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, March 14, 2009

This And That


As you know my older girls are in California visiting our family that live there.  We miss them, but have talked to them everyday.

On Thursday, Rachel woke up all stuffed up and with a bit of a sore throat.  She asked if she had to go to co-op that day.  This is so not like her, so I told her to rest for awhile and we would see how she felt later.  Later she still did not feel well, so Becky picked up Sarah so she could go to co-op.  I asked Sarah if she liked going with Becky and her kids and she said "yes, but they had weird music on."  hee hee... Just what were you listening to, Becky?  

It turned out to be a good thing that I stayed home that day, as Tim, Pastor Mike and Becky's hubby Warren all went to a construction auction.  They were looking for personal things and for some cabinets, and a door for the church.  They found a door which will work great for the handicapped bathroom the guys are installing soon, and Warren found some things too.  Tim was able to get T-111 for about half the price at Lowe's or Home Depot and he also got some 2x4's for half off!  This is such a blessing to us as we have a large shed that was on our property since we bought it, that needs to be rebuilt!  He also has enough to build a run in shed for our horses.  Or we might make the shed into a small barn/ run in combo...oh and back to why it was good I was home?  Tim needed me to hook up the trailer and bring it to the auction so they could load the wood.  Then he needed to go to work and I brought the trailer home.  I am always so happy to be able to help him in this way!

The kids have been playing outside a lot lately - a sign that the weather is warming up! Today they played for hours while Tim and I wandered the property, looking at locations for some raised vegetable beds.  We visited with our neighbor and Rachel worked with Sandy and rode her for awhile...

This morning I went to a homeschool co-op leaders breakfast, with Becky.  We had a great time visiting with the ladies at our table, and talking kids on the ride home!  Just when you think you have this parenting thing down, your kids become almost adults and you get to know your kids in a new way!

Tomorrow, we have church and a fellowship meal afterwards.  Then we will be having a congregational meeting.  I need to prepare a main dish, dessert and drink to bring to share tomorrow.  I am going to make my Fajita Chicken Salad - marinated in my own concoction and sliced up on a wonderful bed of salad greens!  So good!  Rachel is going to make cookies, and I haven't decided about the drink yet...

Kyle has been riding his "big boy" bike more this week and is making pretty good progress.


Becky K. said...

1. The music was Jonathan's...I tolerate it. I wondered if Sarah would say anything...funny.

2. I enjoyed spending time with you this morning. It is great to have friends with wisdom and experience.

3. See you tomorrow. Chelsea made cookies too. There probably aren't as many left as there should be to take...hmmmmmm/yummmm

~~Deby said...

What a nice post..of God's provision and friendship and all the things in life..enjoyed it.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...