Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, December 13, 2014

A Few Sweet Gifts

The main joy of blogging, to me,  is the friendships I've made over the last 7 years!  One of the longest is my sweet friend jAne who blogs at {& wear}Pearls.  She recently had a wee giveaway on her blog and she let me know that I had won!  It has made Christmas all the more fun!

The gifts she sent are all reflections of jAne, they are so her.

 A beautiful ivory ribbon rose pin, with pearls in the center.  I love this.

 This beautiful crown banner ornament.  At least I am using it as an ornament right now.  I will probably find another place for it to hang the rest of the year.  Hope is a message we all need year round!

 This sweet antique tree.  I put it in a glass cylinder with 'snow.'  It's pretty on our side table.

 She also sent this antique wreath with pearls.  It is so sweet on my little tree in my bathroom.

 Thank you, dearest jAne.  I feel like I have a part of you here.

I made this canning jar with trees from my village and some 'snow.'  It's very cute sitting on our stairwell wall.

This has been a busy week.  I finished Kamryn's quilt that I was working on for Christmas, finished a crocheted infinity scarf (this makes two infinities and a knitted scarf that are done!), I'm working on another infinity scarf.  I got a few gifts purchased while I was out grocery shopping yesterday.  We've bought some online, I have a few more to order online as well.  We've really downsized what we do gifts wise for everyone.  It was all getting to be too much.  We will enjoy our gifts, we will enjoy our time together, and we will remember Christ and His coming, and why He came.  That is the sweetest gift of all!

We are excited to have Tim's brother and sister in law nearby this year, and his Mom will be up from Florida to spend a few weeks with us all.  That is a real treat!

How are you doing with your Christmas preparations?  I know that for many the holidays are challenging due to loss of loved ones.  I'm praying for those I know about, and I know you are doing the same.  

My girl heads home this Friday, and will have a 3 week break!  I'm so excited to see her!

Have a happy weekend, Friends!


Vee said...

Oh what a sweet win from Jane. Lots of darlingness, but the crown is really cool!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Sweet pin, ornament and vintage decor from your friend. Winning another blogger's giveaway is always a thrill and I've won a number of pretties myself over the years, as well as made new friendships.

Rebecca said...

Those are certainly beautiful gifts - the hope ornament is VERY special - also the brush tree & wreath...

The gifts you are working on sound delightful, too. Time spent with those you love, even BETTER ♥

podso said...

Sweet gifts, I do love her pearl theme. :-)

Lorrie said...

Very lovely gifts from a blogging friends.
Continue enjoying your Christmas preparations.

Theresa said...

Oh what sweet gifts:) LOVE them all! Enjoy your day dear friend, I will be headed to Church shortly to SING and PRAISE God, so thankful for my many blessings! HUGS!

Cheryl said...

I, too, love the "hope" banner and concur that it will be good to display it year round! Hope in a dark world...His name is Jesus!

I love seeing these glimpses of Christmas at Creekside Cottage!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...