Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, December 15, 2014

Weight Loss Update

I have lost 27 pounds in the last 15 weeks, following the principles of Trim Healthy Mama.

I'm amazed by that.  At times it's been frustrating when the scale didn't move for two weeks, or like this last week.  But I keep on with my eating plan.  Am I doing it perfectly?  No, but I am trying and I am losing so that is a very good thing.

An issue that I have been working through this week, is that I feel like I still look the same as I did nearly 30 pounds ago.  When you have a significant amount of weight to lose, it can feel like you will never get there.  

I have had to look at the fact that some of my clothes don't fit me anymore and to look at 'before' photos.  The sweater I wore to church yesterday is big on me, but I still am significantly overweight.  This is where I find I just have to give it to the Lord and trust that I will lose the weight - Hey I've lost almost 30 pounds!  I had hoped that I would be almost 40 down by now but the weight loss has slowed a bit, and yet I am still losing!    I know that I can eat this way for life and that my weight will never be an issue again.  I am going to read through the book again.  I feel like I did somethings in the beginning that helped me that I have stopped doing, so I want to get back to those things again.

I'd appreciate your prayers, for encouragement, and to keep on!  I have to remember that this weight did not get put on all at once and that my body is healing and losing a bit at a time!  I am thankful for this plan!

I'm going to take a brave step here and let you see a mortifying photo of myself from this last year.

Now, this morning in my bathroom mirror wearing the same sweater.  Warning!  I'm the worst selfie taker in the world!

I needed these as a reminder of how far I have come, and that I will be able to lose all the extra weight I'm carrying!

Praising the Lord, here at the cottage, this morning.


Vee said...

Very obvious that the plan is working! My sister is also on an eating plan that a doctor prescribed because of adrenal fatigue. She has lost 12 pounds, yet I was able to see it. I think weight loss shows in the face first so keep smiling. You're doing great!

sherry said...

Oh my goodness.. truly, you are an example and inspiration.

Cheryl said...

I can SEE the 27 pounds!! You are inspiring! (Love the sweater too.) :)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...
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Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

You look ten years younger!

Estelle's said...

You look just beautiful Deanna! The important thing is that you working on your health! You are an inspiration to us all! Stay happy and continue on your goal!!! Have a beautiful week ahead!!!

GrammaGrits said...

Wow - you look great! I just ordered THM book from Amazon and can't wait to get it. My two daughters are doing it, too! Blessings. . .

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

You are doing wonderful! Congratulations on a task that is quite difficult for most of us. ♥

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thanks Vee!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


You are so sweet!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

The photos really helped me to see it!

podso said...

Congratulations! I see a difference and you look great!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That's neat that your daughters are doing it and you will be too. My mom started after I had some success with it. We share recipes and encouragement!

Anonymous said...

Wow Deanna, I can see a definite difference, you look great and are inspiring me to get back at it!!!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Goodness, I was trying to leave a comment from my iPad yesterday and it went all weird and then we were heading out. So here I am again to offer congratulations Deanna on your weight loss and encouragement to reach your goal. You are looking good!

Farrah said...

Woohoo! I also can see a difference in your face!

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