Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Cookie Making, A Milestone and A Question

First, the question.  When you come to my blog, do you see my plaid background or something else?  Yesterday at our friends house, they pulled up my blog and the background was my profile photo, over and over!  Yikes!  I am worried that that is what many of you see when you visit me!  It was very strange.  

Anyway, we were at our Home Economics class and we were making Christmas cookies - both Sugar Cookies and Peanut Butter Blossoms.

We had pizza for dinner with our friends and then went to look at a Christmas light display.

I took one photo.

It's a part of our family tradition.  We go several times during the Christmas season and we love to drag people along with us!

I hope you are enjoying your Christmas season - we sure are.  10 more days until our girl comes home for a 3 week break!

Now, for the milestone.  Today marks 20 years of service for my husband at his place of employment.  I am proud of his commitment to excellence in his work, whatever he puts his hand to, is done well.


Cheryl said...

I see your pretty plaid background when I open your blog.

Fun times, making cookies with kids!

And congrats to Tim on his 20-year milestone! Keeping a commitment to a job one may or may not "love" is just another way that a good man provides for his family. And doing that work "as unto the Lord" is honoring to Him.

Cranberry Morning said...

I see the plaid background. :-) Love peanut blossoms!! I've gotta make some of those.

Vee said...

I see your pretty plaid background all over the place when the blog first opens then it settles down and I see it at the top and on the sides. I like it!

Your grand is so cute...she can't resist a nibble. Neither can I.

What a pretty light display. Now that's the difference between ME and PA!

Lois said...

Plaid is what I see. :-) I always think your blog has such a cozy, warm look/feel about it. So many times I'd love to come right throught the screen into your house! I 'c' many c's about your home...Children, Candles, Cozyness, Cookies, Comforts, Cheer, Cuddles, Cuteness, Calmness, and last, but not least, Christians. :-)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I see a plaid background and lots of yummy cookies. Shortbread is my last cookie to bake and I love these with my afternoon tea.

Vee said...

Oh I forgot to say that twenty years of service is an accomplishment, especially in this day and age.

Lorrie said...

Plaid is what I see. Blogger has been very odd today. Your word verification is on - don't know if you set it that way or not.

Congratulations to your Tim on 20 years of faithful work. said...

Yes, I see the plaid. And a lovely header also.

podso said...

Plaid is what I see but your word verification is on too. I read that someone else also found it on hers. And last night when I tried to read your blog it opened but immediately went to a strange address/link that never opened--or I didn't wait around long enough for it to open, My blog did the same as did some others, but not all of them I tried.

Tea and Friendship

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