Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

On This Last Day Of The Year

I want to reflect back on the Lord's goodness to us, through good times, and hard times.

We had a daughter married this year in March.

We took two unexpected trips to Florida in June and July

 We were in Florida in July for Tim's stepdad's funeral.

 We took a trip to Knoebel's in June as a family.

 My friend Bonnie and I went to see the Downton Abbey exhibit at Winterthur.

 We freshened up the look of our cottage by taking the shutters down, pressure washing the house, painting the shutters black and rehanging them!  It looks great!

Joseph's brother Tommy died at the end of July.  This was a very hard thing.

The big event in August was the baptism of all four of our daughters!

 September we took a trip to Colonial Williamsburg.

Then took Emma to school in South Carolina.  She's thriving there.

 The beginning of October, we took a day trip up to the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon with my parents.  It was a fun, beautiful day.  The leaves were changing in the Canyon though where this photo was taken, three hours south, there was little change yet.

Glorious Autumn in our own yard, later in October.

Tim's Aunt MaryLou went to be with the Lord in November.

 November was Thanksgiving and the first break for Emma from school.   It was a beautiful day with my parents, Tim's brother's family and a few friends.

The following week I hosted the Ladies Christmas Tea in our home.

We got our tree a week later.  We've celebrated Tim's birthday, Christmas, and now it is New Year's Eve.  We have a Ball we are hosting at church tonight with English Country Dancing.

Tomorrow is Lindsay's birthday, and Friday is our 27th Anniversary.

I am reviewing God's goodness to us, and want to express my thankfulness for His protection last night.  

We were driving home from our friend's home near Reading, Emma was driving the kids in her car and we had Kamryn and Grammy with us.  All of the sudden cars are slamming brakes and swerving, smashing into one another, all because of a deer!  Tim comes to a stop without hitting anyone and we see that Emma has missed the accident too!  The cars in front of us are moving off around the crash and before we can move - Smash!  A young gal rear ended us.

We are all fine.  The police officer told us "This is a real mess.  The car that hit the deer didn't stop.  There was a car a head of us that hit someone but that car wasn't there.  The cars between us and that car all were fine and had moved on.  The gal that hit us really damaged her car.  It was a weird accident.  Tim will call the insurance company today.  We are uncertain of what they will do - there is some damage but it doesn't look too bad.  Tim did notice though the van was pulling to the right last night.  The biggest thing is that this van has 265,000 plus miles on it!  I'm thinking the insurance company may just total it.  

Please pray with us that we will be able to find another vehicle that we can afford.  We don't like to have a car payment.  We are trusting God to provide just what we need.

We kind of chuckled last night as we talked about how many miles just this year we have driven, on the many trips we've taken, and then on the 2nd to the last day of the year - Bam!  We are so thankful that no one was hurt other than the deer - that was a real mess and laying in the road right in front of our van.  

We are sewing this morning and preparing for our Ball tonight!  It's going to be so much fun!

We will be Ringing in the new year with Thankfulness in our hearts.  What about you?  How are you ringing in the New Year?


podso said...

What a year! You've recorded it well with wonderful photos to illustrate God's faithfulness. It sounds like you have still have more to record before 2014 ends. Have fun tonight. So thankful you were all safe in the accident.

Vee said...

First of all, Praise God for His marvelous protection of you all! I will pray that no one has an ache nor a pain even. They say to look for God in the interruptions so we will see how all this plays out. This year was a very busy one for you filled with some joys and sorrows as most years have. On to 2015! A ball? Golly you do make John and my celebration look tame. (We're spending a quiet evening at home.) LOL!

sherry said...

i appreciate being able to walk with you through our days.. thank you for sharing a full and wonderful recap. :)

GrammaGrits said...

My husband was in an accident this past Sunday on a slick road as he headed east of us to preach - made it 62 miles and had no cell service, but an angel protected both he and the other driver with very little outward damage to the cars. Unfortunately for us, there was a lot underneath our car, but he was able to slowly make his way home, It's in being repaired now. Thankful for lots of folks who pray for us and for whatever the reason (snow) I chose not to go with him - a first!
Also, can you post the blog name for Tommy's mom's blog? I used to read her and was greatly blessed but somehow no longer have her on my bookmarks. Thanks!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

You've had a full year of happiness and sadness and I'm glad the accident wasn't worse. I hope a vehicle comes your way soon.
The Downton Abbey collection would have been nice to see, I know a few gals that viewed it. Not long now until we can enjoy the series again!
Good wishes for a happy and healthy 2015.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Oh Deanna, I'm so glad you all were spared! What a scary accident. I enjoyed reviewing your year in photos and thank you for allowing me to get a glimpse into your home and family. Happy New Year to you and yours! ♥

Cheryl said...

Oh, Deanna. Thank the Lord for His protection over all of you!! He will surely provide for your needs. I will join you in praying for the right vehicle.

So many blessings across these twelve months. As we talked on Monday night, some things that we see as "good" and some things that we see as "bad" but all designed for our good and His glory.

Again...thanking the Lord that you are all safe!

Theresa said...

So happy you all are OK! Our year in review is filled with both Joy and Sorrow! So much happens in our lives and I will be thankful for each day! HUGS and PRAYERS coming your way!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thank you Martha Ellen!

Happy New Year to you!


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


Susanna's blog (Tommy's mom) is

I'm glad that your husband was okay with his accident too.


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Downton starts in just a few days! Hurray!

Happy New Year Judith!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Love you jAne! I'm glad we are still walking this path together, too!

Maryann said...

Praise God for His protection in the accident, he will provide for your needs. You all have had quite the year, some bitter and sweet. Our year has been much the same way...still much to be thankful for. I have enjoyed looking through your photos of your moments. Happy New Year to you!

Tea and Friendship

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