Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, January 3, 2015

27 Years

Yesterday Tim and I celebrated 27 years of marriage.

27 years.  I'm certain I am only 25 years old, so how could we have been married for 27 years?

As I look back to those young people who pledged their lives together, I wish I had been better prepared.  I mean what did I really know about caring for a home and children?  What did I know about supporting my husband?

We are thankful for Grace and for fresh Mercy daily.  The Lord has used those two young people and has taken their lives and remade them.  We are so thankful for this too.

I am a better wife now than I was then, and Tim is a better husband. 

We had a wonderful day together.  We went to a movie, to a store I had heard a lot about called Terrain.  We went to Trader Joe's (don't have one near me) and to dinner.  Then we came home to our people and welcomed Emma's Bible School roommate and another girl from school who are from Mongolia and Brazil.  They'll be here through the weekend then they all head back to school on Monday.

Today we are taking Tim's mom and brother's family to see Moses at Sight and Sound.  We are thankful that we can get tickets through our daughter and son in law!

Monday Tim goes back to work and we get back to our school schedule and back to normal life.  Whatever normal means.  We look forward to another year of Grace and Mercy in relationship with Christ.  We don't know where He'll take us this year, but we are holding on tight and letting Him lead.

Happy New Year friends!


Estelle's said...

Wishing you both a lovely anniversary! Sounds like a perfect day!

Phyllis said...

Sounds like you had a great day!!

Theresa said...

Happy New Year to you and a VERY Happy Anniversary to you and your Hubby! Have a blessed day and year ahead! HUGS!

Rebecca said...

Congratulations to you and Tim!
Like you, I'm a much better wife than I was 43(?) years ago--can THAT be?????
I like the way you describe your entry into 2015: "Holding on tight and letting Him lead". Me, too!

Lorrie said...

Happy Anniversary, Deanna and Tim! None of us are the same after so many years and thanks to God's grace, it's wonderful to change in the same direction.
An anniversary celebration is a great way to begin a new year!

podso said...

Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you had a wonderful day together. I do like your gray-looking pots. Pretty!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your husband, Deanna! ♥

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Congratulations on 27 years Deanna - as a couple you seem to grow into a marriage, don't you think? And, it takes effort to make it work as I can attest at coming up to 43 years this summer.
I hope you enjoy many more fruitful years together and create happy memories to look back on.

Vee said...

Happy Anniversary! What a nice day you enjoyed together. I love how family oriented and dedicated you are. You are good examples of how it should be. Hope that Tim's mom enjoys the show...she certainly knows the story.

Buttercup said...

Happy, happy anniversary wishes! Wishing you many more, happy and healthy!

Cheryl said...

Anniversary blessings to the two of you!!
I hope you enjoy your weekend full of activities, as well as the return to "normal" schedule on Monday.

Heather said...

Happy anniversary! We will celebrate 27 years tomorrow! I just heard about Terrain and hope to visit it soon. :-)

Jacqueline said...

Happy Anniversary, Deanna and Tim! May the Lord bless and multiply the love you have 100 fold in the years ahead! Have a great 2015!! <3

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...