Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


I've mentioned before about not having very many family heirlooms.

We are watching older seasons of Downton Abbey and in one episode in Season 2, Lady Mary and Sir Richard Carlisle are looking at an estate near Downton, and she asks him, "How will we furnish it?"  Sir Richard says, "We'll buy whatever we want."  Lady Mary says to him, "Your lot buys furniture, our lot inherit it."

Wouldn't it be wonderful to inherit beautiful furniture, silver, dishes and the like?

Since most of us never will, I decided to buy some silver things that I like, and use for teas, that I can leave to my children.  It will be not an expensive inheritance but one of beauty and of good memories of using these lovely things.

Sarah got a gift certificate, to one of our favorite vintage stores, for Christmas.  We went shopping there last week, and I pointed out a beautiful tea/coffee pot in silver plate.  I told her that she could start collecting beautiful heirloom items as well.

 She loved it and when I offered to cover the extra above her gift certificate, she snapped it up.  She put it in the living room on the bookcase where we can all enjoy looking at it.

 It needs a bit of cleaning, but aren't the details lovely?

I'm happy she chose this over something consumable.  (she's a huge writer and artist and goes through notebooks and sketch pads like water)

This is a usable heirloom that she can pass down in her own family one day.

The line from John Keats is true: A thing of beauty is a joy forever.


Cheryl said...

I love the idea of adopting heirlooms! Sarah has made a beautiful choice...and how nice that she is sharing it with the family (for now)!

Becky K. said...

Good job, Sarah! That is beautiful!

Theresa said...

I am thankful to have some furniture and other items passed down from previous generations! Great idea to start with that beautiful piece:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

As you know, I've purchased some silver pieces while thrifting, too. They are like jewelry to a house! What a great purchase she made!

I wrote at one time about standing in line at an estate garage sale behind a lady who was purchasing quite a number of beautiful bird figurines. She told me she had always wished she had inherited such lovely items and had come to realize she could purchase other people's heirlooms and make them her own.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I am surprised but very pleased to see someone younger purchasing silver, a beautiful coffee pot! When I talk to the antique dealers here, they say no one wants it, in particular the next generation. I have a whole tote full of inherited silver from my hubby's aunt as his mother and sisters declined it. Everything I want to use of it is in my china cabinet and there's still lots left . As with many things, perhaps silver will go full circle and become a consumer item again.

podso said...

And it has a story now! And she can wonder about the stories it has from previous owners! Nice idea! My granddaughter commented that everything in my house is really old. I responded, and it all has a story to go with it, and she wanted to hear some right then.

Vee said...

It is lovely and will make a beautiful object for Sarah to sketch. I am blessed (cursed?) to have inherited many lovely things. Depends on the day how I think about it. =D

Elizabeth said...

Lovely ! I love seeing silver pieces in homes ! I have mine on dinning room buffet !

Phoebes World said...

Just lovely...she made a good choice
Phoebe x

Jean | said...

So many people don't like the things they inherit, not their style at all. Maybe it's best to choose your own heirlooms, as you have.

Ginny said...

My parents are downsizing for the second time, and my mom surprised me with some items I didn't even know she had. One is a chair that belonged to my great-grandmother (I think I have that right). It needs some fixing up, but is really pretty comfortable. Mom also had some civil war relics from an ancestor, including a discharge certificate signed by President Lincoln! Just last night, she gave me some collectable plates and some miscellaneous items from her side of the family. Talk about heritage! I would like to display the items, but I have to find out the best and safest way to do that.

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...