Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, January 30, 2015

My Busy Week

I am writing this from the comfort of my bed.  I've been 'up' for hours, but doing my reading and computer time in my cozy bed.  I am wide awake and the kids are up and have had breakfast and are dressed and ready to begin their schoolwork.  I'll be doing history and science with them soon.  

This week was a busy one for me, and by busy I mean a lot of trips out of the home.  On Monday, Lindsay and I went for haircuts.  I just needed a trim, but I had Julie, our stylist, blow it out.  I never wear my hair straight!  I am a naturally curly girl, and I use a curling iron too, so this was a very different look for me!

 I posted it on FB and my mom didn't recognize me!  ha!  I'm not a very good selfie taker either!

Lindsay hadn't had a hair cut in a few years.  Being an animal handler and having to wear wigs and costumes on stage, she needs her hair to be easily pulled into a pony tail.  

 Julie took a bit of length off and gave her some great layers, then curled Lindsay's normally straight hair!  It looked great!

 Tuesday we went on a double date with my parents to Longhorn!  I'm so glad steak is on plan for me! 

Here I have curled my hair from the day before and it looks a little funky.  Oh, well, that is the way my hair is!

Wednesday I was home all day, then yesterday I met a friend for lunch and we went to visit a gal who used to go to our church.  She is in a local rehab hospital as she needs some therapy on her legs.  We had a really good visit.  Then in the evening Tim and I went out again.  We were treated to dinner at a local historic tavern.  It was a fun night with great food and lovely company.

Today is a home day, then we are going to my parents house for dinner.  Tim is helping my niece with the brakes on her car, and she is cooking dinner!

Do you ever have these kinds of weeks?  It seems like I am mostly home except for grocery shopping, but then I'll have a week were I am out a lot!  

This weekend is a home kind of weekend.  Good thing, too.  I have a lot of tidying to do, and I rearranged a bit in my bedroom so I have some stuff to put away.

What are you up to this weekend?


podso said...

Oh I hear you. I am a homebody and am content to be here. And when I have a busy week such as you've had, I feel just a tad out of sorts and know that I need to have some quiet at home.

Unknown said...

Loving the straight hair! :) I'm a naturally curly haired girl too but mine is long...too long to straighten! It would take hours!

Phyllis said...

You forgot our trip to Wegmans on Wenesday!!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Nice photo, I knew it was a selfie because I look down too - I give up trying them. LOL
Busy week of outings and meals, the kind I like. We're driving to Florida with our first stop tonight in Kentucky. It's so nice to be away from our snow.

Vee said...

Your hair looks you're saying that you and Lindsay traded hairstyles? I have the best tip for you selfie takers!

sue said...

Your face definitely looks thinner! Especially in the first photo! And I love your hair like that!!

Cheryl said...

Another homebody here! I, too, find it challenging when the week holds lots of "extras"...even when they're good things!

Enjoy your "home" kind of weekend!

Buttercup said...

I find if I'm out for a few days in a row I like to be home one day of the week. I spent the morning catching up at home today, but did get in a walk and errands in the afternoon. This weekend is a quiet one. It's supposed to be very cold and I am content to enjoy reading and make my Valentines. Keep cozy!

Rebecca said...

I like your hair that way! And who KNOWS how the weekend will really turn out? Today I've wasted too much time already trying to come up with a plan A & B. "A" if the 7-12" of snow actually materializes and we have to call off church and small group in the evening and cancel our travel plans for Monday. "B" if it DOESN'T happen..... I don't like it one little bit :)

We DO plan to make the hour trip to OH to be with Mother and Dad this afternoon...

Sue said...

OH! if you could see me smiling while reading this post, been there done that! Your hair cut looks wonderful,I too have weeks where I almost meet myself coming and going. My favorite weeks are when things are quiet and slow at home! I am such a home body!~smile~ Enjoy your weekend!

Tea and Friendship

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