Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Looking Ahead

As the New Year approached I was giving some thought to my blog.  I talked with Cheryl about it too.  I pondered what the focus should be.  After all I've been writing here nearly 8 years, and in that time, I've changed and so has the readership.

 8 years ago I had 5 kids living at home, and one who had just moved out.  I was in the midst of diapers still and nap time, schoolwork and driving kids to their part-time jobs.  Now, while we still have schoolwork happening around here, we have no diapers, I have only three kids at home, though I have my granddaughter here too. Things change, which is a normal part of life.  

So what is the purpose of my blog?  I started out to just write about my life and to try to offer encouragement to others.  I still do that, but I feel like I have gotten away from talking about raising little ones, and I know I have gotten away from encouraging home educating moms too, and I don't want to completely stop writing about these subjects.

I feel as if I am in a unique position of still parenting, and being a grandma who is helping to raise my granddaughter.  At a time when many my age are empty nesters, I've still got a full, active nest!  I have experience at this parenting thing, this home educating thing, and as a woman who reaches out to others to encourage them.

So this is going to be the focus of my blog.  My original focus - it was my tag line for years and I want to get back to it, "Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement."

Some days we may only talk about tea!  Did you know that January is Hot Tea month?  

Some days we will talk about how to organize our days when we have little ones or talk encouragement for home educating Moms. Did you know I write a column in our state homeschool Magazine?  I write The Prayer Closet column for CHAP Magazine.  CHAP stands for Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania.  

Some days we will talk about de-cluttering our homes so they can be places of peace and rest for us and our families, and we will also talk about life in general.  I will also continue to talk about the Lord.  He is the central focus of our lives here at the cottage, so it is natural that I would talk about Him.

Oh, and books!  We'll definitely talk about books!

I know that many who read and comment here are women like me who are grandmothers, but I also have many friends who are in all stages of life that read my blog from Facebook. I read recently about how blogs are changing and that many bloggers have lost commenters as people have moved on to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.  You can follow me at those places too.  I don't really tweet though.  

I blog because I have a lot to say, most days anyway, and I know that I read blogs because I like meeting people who have now become my friends, and I hope you read here for the same reason.

So here's to another year on the blog, and friendship, and hopefully continued encouragement.


Vee said...

So hip so happening, Mrs. Rabe! Lots of social media and you have a focus and a purpose, too. Excellent. No, I did not know that you write for your homeschool magazine. See? There's always so much to learn. You never drink coffee?

Unknown said...

I'm sorry if this duped, but I don't see that my comment posted. Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog and that I enjoy your pictures and appreciate your Christian encouragement. Have a blessed New Year.

Theresa said...

My blog is my journal and that could be a number of things on any given day! It is about Family, Love and Prayer... and Grandchildren:) I have met SO many friends here that I just adore, including you! I try to post first thing in the morning and only pop in to check on blogs during that time or like now when I sat down for lunch! My comments aren't as many as there used to be, perhaps because of Facebook! I just keep on blogging anyway:) Happy New Year ahead to you dear friend, HUGS!

Rebecca said...

I've noticed (like you) that many bloggers have transitioned to facebook. I choose to stay blogging, too. Your three emphases are appropriate through MANY stages of life, and I'm glad you're sticking with them in 2015. I have Pinterest and Twitter accounts - but use them primarily as files for pictures/ideas and quotes respectively. And I facebook to stay in touch with relatives and friends from different stages of my life :) I look forward to many visits here in 2015. Yours is "my kind" of place :)

podso said...

I like your three foci. I've been thinking about hospitality lately and the difference between that and "entertaining" and how encouragement in that area is needed especially by younger women. So write on! I don't see FB, etc. as anything like blogging. Blogging is sort of like publishing a magazine article as you include text and photos and its in a much nicer platform. Facebook is more like a daily newspaper for me to catch up on news, not be inspired or think about things. Visiting a blog is almost like visiting someone's home. One's personality is much more evident in a blog than a fb page. IMHO !!

Cheryl said...

Absolutely! Talk about all of it!

Since we have already had a chance to discuss this, you know that I am ALL FOR "older," experienced mothers teaching the younger. That is, after all, the Biblical way!

Lorrie said...

Blogging still has its plusses - much more can be said and more thoughtfully. I've seen bloggers post to Facebook so that the people there can read the blog if they want. I've done it a few times, but my Facebook is primarily for family, and friends from the past.
Looking forward to reading more of your posts in 2015. We all have something to share and something to learn.

sherry said...

i much prefer blogging and maintain a love/hate relationship with facebook. i don't twit and i don't instagram. what a world. haha


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