Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Catching Up

Inspiration at Terrain

It's been such a lovely holiday.  And I thank you all for your sweet comments about our anniversary! I hate to see it end, but all good things must come to an end at some point.

Emma goes back to school tomorrow.  It's been so great having her home.  Her roommate Onon (from Mongolia) and another student Sara (a Brazilian from Japan!) came Friday and are here for the weekend.  They have had quite the fun break, visiting Washington, DC, and New York City.  Yesterday, they visited Central Market, and got to spend time visiting with our Amish friends.  Today was church, and they enjoyed it very much.  These girls are in their second year at school, and will have to go home this summer.  We've enjoyed getting to know them.

Onon, Sara, and Emma

Tim goes back to work tomorrow and his brother Dan is stealing their Mom back from us tomorrow evening as well.  We'll get to see her a few more times before she flies home on Friday.  We've enjoyed our time together!

We are planning to get back to school tomorrow.  We've been on a break for two weeks.  

I'm looking forward to getting the house in order again - right now two of our girls are sleeping on a mattress and the couch in our room, and one girl is on an air mattress in Kyle's room.   Our visiting girls have Rachel and Sarah's room.  

I'm seeing a lot of organizing and de-cluttering happening amongst my online friends.  That is always good to do, and I have some plans in this department of my own!  

What are you up to this first full week of the New Year?


Vee said...

Big changes coming with Emma going back to school, Tim's mother returning to Florida at week's end, and your guests leaving with Em...make plans right off so that you have some real fun to look forward to, Trust me, decluttering won't "fill the bill." =D

podso said...

Let's hope for some cheerful sunshine for the quiet days ahead---your house will seem quiet but sometimes that is welcome after such busy times. It's going to get very cold here this week. Maybe it will kill some of the flu germs. Cute girls!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

It's going to get cold here too! And as I told Vee in email I am looking forward to a bit of quiet!


Leslie said...

school started back for us this morning too and my husband goes back to work on Thursday. Yuck. I've really enjoyed this leisure time with my family. I've been in full fledged cleaning and organizing mode ~ I can't stop!! : ) Happy New Year, enjoy your quiet time!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Leslie, I've enjoyed this holiday so much, too. Your place is looking great and now that our company is leaving, I'll have time to get to all that sorting and purging I need to do!


sherry said...

what a lovely table setting and what lovely young ladies. so thankful your emma has been home - i know how treasured you view her presence. makes one's heart happy happy. :) thinking of you...

Cheryl said...

After a whirlwind of activity, it feels good to settle down, doesn't it? But I know you enjoyed the whirlwind too...precious time with Emma and Grammy and your visitors and all of the everyday people. That's what makes life sweet...sharing it with those you love. (I'm glad we were able to share some of those holiday moments together too!)

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...