Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Gardening: Dreaming In Winter

Today, I am dreaming of my garden, and wanted to share some photos with you.  I don't like to rush the seasons but I do like to think ahead about my gardens, and what I'd like to do with them this year.  

There is a lot going on here behind the scenes.  I'm not able to talk about it yet, but soon I will.

I am meeting a friend for lunch today, and then we are going to the rehab hospital to visit another friend who is dealing with an autoimmune issue due to diabetes.

I hope you have a really good day.  Thinking of all of you New England gals, and hoping you are all well.


Cranberry Morning said...

Such wonderful images to see on a cold, snowy winter day! Reminds us that summer actually will come again, despite what it looks like out my window. :-)

Phoebes World said...

Wonderful colours...Beautiful photos
Phoebe x

Ginny said...

I love seeing flowers in the winter when it's so cold and dreary. My daughter came home with some from the grocery store, and we are still enjoying the ones my son-in-law sent us. Feel free to share more summery pictures!

podso said...

I'm about ready to buy some tulips to bring a hint of spring indoors. it's consistently cold now and seems it will be that way for quite awhile, but not a hint of snow. Yes one's thoughts start to turn towards spring flowers.

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...