Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Christmas Tea

I hosted our Ladies tea at my home this year. 

I love to have ladies here for tea, and especially at Christmas time.   Our home isn't fancy - it's a simple cottage but it really shines at Christmas.  I deck her out in garlands and lights and plaid ribbons and candles.  It's lovely!

The theme last night was Celebrate the Nativity.  We were celebrating the coming of the Light of the World!  I decorated with Nativity sets as the centerpieces on the tables.

Then with the tables set and candles lit, our guests began to arrive. I took a few photos but, hosting requires attention and I often miss out in getting photos.  Thankfully my friend Amy took a lot and has given me permission to share hers here!

 Do you like the tea cozies on this table?  (grin) Dish towels did the job.  I have a lovely one from my friend Vee.  It's on the girls table.

 All the tea cups and luncheon plates are mine.  I've been collecting for years!  It certainly is easy to have it at my house - I don't have to pack it all up and haul it to the church!

 Some of the girlies.  See the lovely cozy at the bottom of this photo?  That one was from Vee!

 My long counter works beautifully for a buffet.

 My mom and her dear friend Debby.  They had the cushy seats!

 The ladies all bring something to share, either a sweet or a savory.

This wooden trough with the boxwood greens, lantern, candles and oranges is our dining table centerpiece but I moved it to the piano for last night.

 This is by the front door - 

I wanted to show you the Advent Calendar that Rachel made.  She took a poster frame and covered it with plaid wrapping paper and took 25 little boxes, labeled them, and put a scripture reference in each one.  We also have activity slips for some of them that say things like  "trip to see the Christmas lights" or "roller blading tonight".  It is very cute and a clever way to add the daily advent reading in!  

By the way - Sarah made the wreath on their door.  She has a few more silver ornaments to glue on, but I think it is so pretty in the hallway with the lights shining on it!

After we get out tree, I'll do a house tour for you!

Thanks for visiting today!  Do you attend a special tea at the holidays?

Linking with Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage
Friends Sharing Tea
A Return To Loveliness


A Whole Lotta Magic said...

Looks like a lovely time. Your home looks so beautiful!

podso said...

The pictures make me feel like I was there. It all looks so beautiful, warm and inviting. I have similar luncheon plates from my mother, which makes them very old!

allisamazing said...

It all looks so lovely and everyone looks like they are enjoying themselves immensely!

Vee said...

Only yours! Oh how sweet to see everyone enjoying the evening. You look so pretty! Say, what happened to Debby? Her arm's in a cast. Looking forward to the Christmas house tour...everything just looks beautiful. A sweet memory to savor.

Rebecca said...

Oh, what a special evening that must have been! The tables are beautiful...and what a great variety of food!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

What a lovely gathering! Everything looks wonderful and the variety of food is delightful! I'm sure you all had a grand time sharing conversation and tea treats. Thank you for sharing with us and joining me for tea. Have a beautiful day.


Debbie said...

I love everything about this, from concept to execution. I love things like this and I have not done nearly enough of it lately. We will do the annual Christmas for the DAR, which is very tea-ish, and my luncheon club does a progressive "nibbling" which is tea-ish too. However, I have always wanted to host a mother/daughter tea and never have. Now,h my older daughter is gone until right before Christmas, I don't want to do it without her.

And your house DOES "Christmas up" very beautifully!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

What a lovely gathering! I'm sure you and your friends enjoyed every minute in your lovely home. ♥

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Looks like the gathering was a success with all the happy faces and array of food. I know Vee sews and the tea cozy she made you is sweet.
I haven't planned a tea for this year but there's still time for a few friends to come over. Having everyone bring something makes it easier for the hostess.

Estelle's said...

I simply adore this! Tea gatherings for Christmas brought back wonderful memories of my mother hosting similiar gatherings. This is just beautiful Deanna! Wonderful, wonderful post! Your home and guests look lovely and warm! Bravo dear girl!!!!

Lorrie said...

Warm, inviting and cozy come to mind when I see your photos. How great to have the event at your house. Much more personal than at a church. Vee's tea cozy looks right at home!

Carrie said...

What a great tea party! Your home is so pretty too.

Cheryl said...

Creekside Cottage looks beautiful, Christmas-y and festive! And so do you! Such a lovely evening for you and your ladies!

What a clever, pretty advent calendar made by Rachel...and a beautiful wreath made by Sarah!

Zaa said...

Such a warm inviting gathering.. Everyone looks so happy that I felt like I was there.. You created a fabulous teatime ambiance with your cosy tablescape and teacups... I love gingham curtains ..They just seem to say HOME... Thanks for sharing the spirit.. Hugs

Brenda said...

Just beautiful! What a wonderful way to visit and enjoy company. Your house is just are you! I know you are enjoying the season.

Bernideen said...

What a wonderful tea time! Enjoyed it again in 2015!

Tea and Friendship

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