Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Daily Life

Life is going at a leisurely pace these days, for me anyway.  Tim and Rachel are busy with work, and we regularly have other family popping in and out of the house on a weekly basis.  That doesn't mean I never leave the house, but right now, the hectic pace I was on for so long is over.

I'm liking it.  

Each day has certain things that happen.  Every day we cook, we clean up, do some laundry, wash dishes, tidy the bathrooms.  

Tuesdays we usually have my mom visiting while my dad goes bowling, and then they stay for dinner.  Sarah also has a voice lesson on Tuesday mornings, and after I drop her off I go to the dairy and then swing back to pick her up.

Wednesday mornings are cello lessons for Rachel, then in the later afternoon she and Sarah leave for Ultimate Frisbee.

Peonies coming up.
Thursday or Friday I grocery shop.  

 We are almost done with school for the year - only 15 more days!
Sunday's are always church days.

I like having a rhythm to my week, don't you?  This 'schedule' leaves plenty of room for hospitality, being spontaneous, helping Tim with work if he needs me.

 In the evenings, Tim reads aloud, or their is a movie or show watched on Netflix or Amazon.  Lately, I've been doing some stretching exercises in the evening then getting ready for bed, and watching Fixer Upper on Netflix.  Some of the kids will climb in bed with me.  It's this hanging out time, laughing and enjoying being together that I love.  Tim will come in, too.  

Lately Kyle likes to tuck us in, which is hilarious.  Even if he is already in bed, when we get settled for the night, he comes in does a belly flop on our bed between us, and hugs us and kisses me, then he jumps on Tim and they wrestle around a bit, and have all that awesome bonding.  It gets a little bit crazy, but I wouldn't stop it for anything in the world.  
I have a good life. I'm thankful that God has given me eyes to see the beauty in it, even when it is crazy, or there is stress from outside sources.  And there frequently are those stresses.  

So, what do your days look like?  Let's chat in the comments.


Donna said...

You are indeed, Blessed!
Enjoy all those sweet times together!

Linda said...

I like fed hearing about your daily schedule! Life just flows better when we have a plan! My favorite days are the ones when I don't leave the house! Normally Monday's are my home bound day! Tuesday art, movies and Goodwill. Wednesday is a Quad Day. Thursday is recovery day. Friday is often Mother day. Life is busy! Everywhere for everyone!

Estelle's said...

Your days are full of living and enjoying all revolves around family doesn't it? There is a certain cadence to sounds ideal to me!

Rebecca said...

My days are not nearly as varied as yours. Most days I use morning hours for the most basic household chores. Often put a meal in the crockpot before setting out for the hour drive to be with Mother in her nursing home room. I stay to feed her supper and then either head home or go out to eat with my father. Frequently, if my husband is able to go along, I load up the crock pot and we eat evening meal with Dad in his duplex and play some games together. Wednesday, my sister goes over to be with our parents. I give a piano lesson and try to plan to meet a friend or two for coffee or lunch. Sundays, after church, we're back to my parents like other days. It's the season we're in. It doesn't sound like much, but it keeps me busy :)

Lorrie said...

I like having a schedule - it gives rhythm to life. I don't do much during the week except work, come home, make dinner, spend some time marking papers or reading, and usually go for a walk with Tim before bedtime. Weekends are when I clean and prepare for the week ahead.

Information Friday

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