Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 4, 2016

What's In Your Cup?

For me it nearly always tea!

 Though I don't always drink it from one of my tea cups (shh, don't tell!), sometimes it in a pretty mug.  But it's always tea.

 Sometimes, it's iced, and made with oolong and cinnamon, a wee bit of cayenne, some sweetener and almond milk.  So good!

 Mostly though, it's a strong black tea over ice.  Unsweet.

 It's chilly this morning so I'm brewing up some Organic Darjeeling

 We drink a lot of tea here - loose leaf or bagged, black, flavored, herbal, tisanes.  

 I keep my friends' favorite teas on hand, too.  That way when they visit they can enjoy their favorite tea.

So, what's in your cup?  Coffee? Tea? Something else?  Tell me all about it!
Joining Sandi @ Rose Chintz Cottage for No Place Like Home

and Bernideen for BTTCG!


kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

It's always a pot of tea with my breakfast on a tray in the mornings, and I love to change my teacup out daily. However, in the afternoons and evenings, I'll have a mug of tea, during the cooler months. In the warm months, I do love iced tea. It's such fun to be tea lover's isn't it? Your teacup is so pretty and I like your basket of organized tea.

Vee said...

Honey chamomile this afternoon, but mornings begin with a delicious mug of coffee.

Sandi said...

Earl grey. Hot!

Margie said...

Tea all the way! I don't use my teacups as much as I'd like. I always use mugs at work and often reserve teacups for the weekends.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Well, at the moment it is just after 10:00 AM so I have coffee in my cup. I always start my day with coffee. For some reason tea doesn't agree with me in the morning although I do enjoy it throughout the rest of the day. I always drink my coffee in a big mug and use both teacups and mugs for my tea. I also have a very large supply of different teas for my company to enjoy. Hubby always teases me that I could open my own tea room. I think he's probably right. :-) Your teacup is really pretty! Thank you for sharing and linking up with me. Have a lovely day.


Debby Ray said...

Oh what a pretty teacup! I have to admit that even though I love collecting teacups, I most often use a mug, myself. I'll have one cup of coffee (only) every morning, tea when I am really cold (any time of day) or when I'm sick and occasionally hot cocoa. Enjoy the rest of your week!

Antiques And Teacups said...

I see lots of favorites in your tea basket! And your teacup is gorgeous! Makes the tea even better! Darjeeling is my favorite, but I didn't know they made tea...I thought they just did preserves! Learn something new every day! Have a wonderful week, and thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!
Ruth said...

Every morning it's Lipton Decaf! I'll venture out to different types of Tea through out the day. I also like to try the flavored coffees as a "creamer".

Parsimonious Décor Darling said...

I love iced and hot tea, but I have never tried it with cayenne. That sounds fantastic! Right now, I'm slightly obsessed with Teavana's Winterberry blend. It is so delicious! Beautiful cup, thank you for sharing it!

Nora @ Teacup Tales said...

I like the way you organized all of your tea. For me it is always tea and it seems to taste better in my "nicer" tea cups. I'm sure that is all in my imagination. I like to start the day with a vanilla flavored black tea from a local tearoom or Harney & Sons Paris tea. (Visiting from Bernideen's blog)

Bernideen said...

Dear Deanna:
I love the basket with all the pretty assortment of tea items. Isn't it fun looking and Deana, your tea cup is lovely! One can never have too many - right! Thanks for sharing and linking and sorry I am coming back to your so late. This has been one busy week working on getting our house in order.

Lilly's Mom said...

It was so delightful to read your post today. I love the tea cup and the tea basket is such a great idea, too! I'm partial to loose, black teas but lately I've discovered herbal teas without any additional flavorings. My favorite herbal tea is thyme. And, I too like to drink it out of a pretty English tea cup or my Emma Bridgewater cups. Have a fantastic day! Pat :)

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