Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Let's Chat

The sun is shining, there are no clouds in sight, and I'm in the mood for a chat.  How are you all doing?

I know that many of you are busy with work, wishing spring would make up her mind to stay, at least two are moving.  I'm praying God's peace, grace, and mercy to be abundant for you all.


I mailed two packages the other day, each to the opposite side of the continent - one to Alaska, and one to Maine!  That was fun!  The one to Alaska was to our niece's family.  Knit hats for the Hobbits, who both have short haircuts now and don't look much like Hobbits anymore {sniff}, and a really neat little book called, "The Year of Miss Agnes," by Kirkpatrick Hill.  Miss Agnes is a teacher who comes to a little school of children, whose families are migratory.  She teaches them much like I teach my own children, by stirring up their curiosity and their love of learning.  My friend Karen, recommended it.

The package to Maine was a belated birthday gift.  My friend has had a tough month or so.  She is always an encouragement to me, and I hope this gift blesses her and that she will know that she is loved!


I've been reading a lot of books again lately.  When I was busy with two weddings, I did most of my reading online - blogs, news, articles of interest.  But I dearly love to read, and so do Rachel and Sarah.  

One of our favorite authors is Lisa T. Bergren.  I posted about her River of Time series ( you can find those posts by using the search box on the side bar and putting in River of Time).  That series made me ponder my response to fear - you can read that one here.  

We've read several of her book series, The Gifted series is excellent too, and recently the girls read, her YA series, The Remnants.  They couldn't wait for me to begin this series!  We love to talk books and they couldn't talk to me about it because I hadn't read it!  So last week, I told them I was ready to read it, and Rachel went to the library and got the first book.  I finished in in a few days, and took myself to the library for the next one!  Luckily for us, the third and final book in the series just came out, and I bought it!  Sarah and I are taking turns reading it right now. :)

I love books that challenge me in my faith.  These Remnants are specially gift by God for a certain time.  They are human and still struggle with fear, with doubt, etc.  But every time they focus on the Maker, and on the truth they are brought back to peace and security, clear thinking, etc.  I find that is a good lesson for myself as well.


We have 10 more days of school!  The excitement is mounting here!  We started in the beginning of August, took days off before Nate and Kay's wedding,  took several days at Thanksgiving, several weeks at Christmas and New Year's.  We've not had any real sickness, we don't have teacher in service days, and so we are nearly done with our required 180 days of school.

I guess that is enough chatting for today!  I want you to know how appreciative I am of you, for your daily visits and comments.  I hope you always find hospitality, encouragement and friendship here!


Linda said...

What a lovely visit with you to start my day! I love to read but I don't go through nearly as many books as i used to! Amber just gave me one to read - My Year in France by Julia Child. I think that's the name of it. She wants me to read it and then she wants it back to read! It's wonderful to share the love of books with our children! I loved my homeschooling days! The quads will be here in a few minutes and LD is going to teach them to sing a song along with him. We printed out visuals last night before we went to bed!
Thank you for being such a good friend to me and your encouraging words! I laughed when you said screen doors this morning! You will laugh when I tell you why we don't have them! Our French doors are hung backwards so they open OUT! Our house is so highly occupied there's no room for them to open in!! We bought screens for French doors at $100 a pop but LD could not get them to work and we eventually took them to the curb! Texas summers are hot so it won't be long before we will be turning on the A/C and keeping our doors closed! Life will not be nearly as exciting then!!!

Vee said...

First, congrats on being so close to school's end for this schoolyear, though I know that learning goes on all year through at your place! Cheering the scholars on that they will all run the race with a final burst of energy and finish well.

The book about a schoolhouse sounds very good. I will add it to my wishlist.

Last, I will not presume anything for you may have many, many friends in my corner...

podso said...

I love to mail packages especially because I have a post office that I just love. I think I did a post on it once. And I love to receive a package so it's fun to give that joy to another. Congrats on another year of school almost finished!

Lynda Brandly said...

Deanna - so nice to hear that you home school! I homeschooled our three children for 17 years and I know that it feels so wonderful to get to the end of another year! I've heard of this book series before and have never read them. I will check them out! I love to read!
Have a wonderful day! love and blessings~
Lynda @ Gates of Crystal

Sandi said...

I loved the Agnes book! Such a wonderful story.

Melissa G said...

We got our package yesterday! Thank you so much! :) We've already read the first chapter. I love that it's set in Alaska. Love you!

Late October Weekend

  I had a quiet weekend at home, and I enjoyed it.  I cut some of my limelight hydrangea, now with their autumn blush on them and took them ...