Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Mini Rose

I've shown you photos of my mini rose plant before.

 I bought it in January and enjoyed its beauty.  Then February came and the flowers faded and we had less daylight and the poor thing got all spindly and I thought it was going to die.

So I started to move it into direct sunlight/light every day, ALL day long.  I moved it about 5 times a day.  And it began to photosynthesize and feed itself.  I watered it and it just kept getting healthy.

I repotted it last month and set it in my front window.  Now look at her!  She's got a bud forming!

 She's going to bloom again!

So far there is just one bud, but she continues to put out new growth!

I'm excited because I was able to save her. I love growing things and I am happy to have kept her from dying in February! I love having real plants in my home.

Joining Thoughts of Home on Thursday.


Stacey said...

Deanna, is that one of the mini roses like you find at the grocery store? I've never kept one alive! Kudos to you. Yours is so pretty and looks very healthy.

So glad you joined us at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. Have a great day. :)

podso said...

Your patience and persistence is paying off! Just caught up on your posts. Love what you did with the chalk paint!

Debbie Harris said...

Aww... look at you with your green thumb doing all that you can to save your gorgeous rose plant, how wonderful.
Those roses are quite lovely for a miniature. Those miniature rose plants never do well for me, maybe it's the lighting?
Enjoy your day~~

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Yay! I am glad she is thriving.

Daniela said...

Stacey is right, isn't so easy to keep such roses alive and healthy, I never succeded :( !
Congrats on your patience and good work, sweet Deanna, love makes such miracles ...

Enjoy the remainder of your week, darling friend,
sending dear hugs to you


Unknown said...

Very pretty! Christina

Decor To Adore said...

Deanna your mini rose is just gorgeous! Your post is such a happy addition to Thoughts of Home on Thursday. Thank you SO much for sharing the joy.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Kim said...

I love mini rose bushes. I have been thinking of getting a new one...maybe this weekend!

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