Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, April 9, 2016

So This Is Happening Right Now

It's supposed to snow all day.

The ground hog told us it would be an early spring and he was right.  Everything budded early.  The poor trees and plants are likely very confused.  In December we had such mild weather that we had flowering cherry trees and forsythia in bloom, so they are on their second blooms.  

 Well, at least life isn't boring!


Vee said...

Sorry to read that it is that far south. We have been in and out of snow all week. Doesn't last. That's the best that can be said of it. I managed to clip one little daffodil before the carnage. The rest have keeled over in a frozen stupor. The only thing that keeps me focused on spring is that the birds have not given up singing. I should be like the birds!

Sandi said...

This is beautiful, but confusing! :)

Unknown said...

I cannot believe that!lol

Rebecca said...

The Creator seems to be giving us a good lesson in Who is Sovereign! Lord of Creation, He regulates and renews. Lord of my life, the same...

An unusual spring (or so it seems).

podso said...

It's cold and windy here but sunny and the blooms of spring are fading. The weather and the political season are both unusual this year.

Lorrie said...

Crazy weather!

podso said...
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Debbie Harris said...

How beautiful is that! I know it is spring time, but those last snow falls can be gorgeous. Right now as I sit at my computer I hear hail falling against the office window. Spring weather is certainly all around. :)

Blessings for a beautiful weekend~~

Theresa said...

The ground hog lied a little:) No snow here but it has been cold and my tomato plants are under sheets:( Enjoy your day dear friend, hope it warms up! HUGS!

Daniela said...

So April is quite mad in America too !

Hope your enjoying your Sunday, dearest Deanna, I wish you a joyous week to come,
with much love


Information Friday

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