Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Pillowcases On The Bed

A few readers asked if I would show the pillowcases, that I made, on the bed.

Here they are - 

Sometimes I do a third pillow with white lacy pillowcases, but I think I may have had them in the wash!

You can see how my friend used her birthday pillowcases here.

Have you ever made pillowcases?

I'm joining Thoughts Of Home on Thursday.  You should check it out - lots of great links.  There are so many creative women in the blogging world!  Very inspiring!


Sarah said...

I'm a fan of pretty throw pillows. I find they add wonderful texture and interest. These are lovely!

Linda said...

You do such beautiful work! I used to make pillowcases a long time ago but never anything as beautiful as yours! Thanks to you for the inspiration to sew some again! This time I will make some for the cushions we use in the gazebo! Hopefully that gazebo will be going up within the next day or two!
I also love the fabrics you use! No plain Jane ones for you!

Lisa said...

They are gorgeous on your bed! You've inspired me to make some!

Lorrie said...

Your pillowcases are very pretty. I've made pillowcases in the past - most recently some princess-themed ones for the little girls in my life.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I don't sew but very much like the pillows you made Deanna. Vee's pillowcases are in a handy spot for afternoon naps and you chose a pretty material for hers.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Lovely pillowcases - your bed is so pretty.

Sherry said...

what a beautiful contrast, deanna.
and very well done and well chosen fabrics/prints.
creative decor like this makes walking into a room
so welcoming i think. :) i've never made pillowcases
but would like to... any tips?

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

They are beautiful and perfect on your bed!
Thank you for sharing them at Thoughts Of Home On Thursday!

Stacey said...

Beautiful Deanna. You are so talented at coordinating fabrics and sewing. :)

Happy TOHOT.

Decor To Adore said...

Perfectly charming! I am a bit late to the TOHOT party this week due to my college semester finals but I'm so glad that I didn't miss this. Have a wonderful week.

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