Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, April 29, 2016

Photo Friday

So, I think I'm going to try to do a photo on Fridays, with minimal chatter.

First up is this 

I could hear this guy calling half way down the block, as Rachel and I came out of the organic salon where I get my haircut.  I said to Rachel "that's a peacock!"  You can tell because they sound like Kevin from "Up."

Then I spotted him so we drove up past the house where he was.  He was pretty worked up - didn't see any peahens or anything, but when we stopped to take his photo - he shook his whole body at us!  Lol! We were properly impressed! 

Peacocks have such beautiful coloring, don't they?

So, have you ever seen a peacock in person?  I've seen them before but this was the funniest experience!


Linda said...

We have a peacock and a peahen at the ranch! And 9 eggs!!! We are so excited! I'm hoping to get down there next week! They may not be hatched yet but I want to see them!!

Sylvia said...

Yes, I have seen them up front and personal and they are a beautiful sight.

Sherry said...

wow - very impressive!
sometimes these guys roam our suburban neighborhoods,
bringing people out of their homes for the show. one
such time i learned we have a new down the street
neighbor. hm. i need to get out more. ;)

Melissa G said...

They are so beautiful! And make such funny sounds!

Daniela said...

Oh, I so love peacocks, dearest Deanna, I'm always so charmed by them, thank you for sharing this stunning photographs with us !

Hope you're enjoying your day, I'm wishing you much love for your weekend to come,
sending blessings to you across the many miles


Vee said...

Yes, I have seen them, but only at an animal farm and I have never actually seen one with his feathers all fanned out. Impressive!

Tim said...

thats pretty cool!

Pondside said...

There are peacocks in a couple of the parks nearby and sometimes they go walk-about and end up in the neighbourhood. Their cry is unmistakable!

podso said...

I've seen them and they do strut in pride! Fun that you saw him up close.

Information Friday

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