Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 18, 2016

Delightful Weekend

We've been having wonderful weather.  We are all enjoying the sunshine and blue skies.  I have some doors open this morning, and am hearing dozens of birds, and the sounds of the roosters crowing.

On Saturday I drove, with my mom, to a town about an hour away to shop at a Hobby Lobby store.  I've never been in one, can you believe it?!  We had so much fun looking at everything, and I found something that had been on my wish list for years.

 The clocks were 50% off!  So it was a win-win for me!  We do have a slight problem though.  It's five minutes slower on the hall side than the side that faces out to the living room!

I also found this darling wind chime, again 50% off.  It was really my day!

Saturday evening, dear friends who'd been out of state for four months due to work  and illness in their extended family, and were just home, came by for a visit!
 We'd missed each other as families so much.  Our girls are friends, our boys are friends, we adults are friends....well, you get the idea!  

On Sunday, we had communion and a fellowship meal.  In the late afternoon we all went to our pastor's home.  Mike and Jenny have a beautiful deck that overlooks a great little park - in fact it's almost as if the park is their backyard.  We had more food and fellowship, the kids played Ultimate and the little ones played at the playground.
 We all stayed into the evening.  It was so good to be outside again, enjoying the mild weather.  The sky was so clear last night.  We saw Jupiter gliding along with the moon, through the night sky, too.

And of course there was tea.  I drank Darjeeling.
 Here it is brewing in a delightful glass cup with a wooden saucer.

Today I am thankful for the blessing of this past weekend, and looking forward to this next one.  We'll be headed to upstate New York to visit our dear friends, who moved three years ago!  This is the first time we've been up to visit, and we are very excited!

Did you have a good weekend?  What's your week look like? 

Sharing with Bernideen's BTTCG
 Sandi for No Place Like Home
The Art Of Homemaking Mondays  


Linda said...

How perfectly wonderful from beginning to end! Welcome to the Hobby Lobby fan club! That wind chime is perfect for you! You have the most darling tea dishes! Glass cup and wooden saucer? I love it! Wishing you and yours a week full of love and blessings!

Bernideen said...

Dear Deanna:
What a fun time you had. Lovely bargains and great time relaxing - what's better than that! Thanks for sharing and linking.

Elizabeth said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend! We had a nice one too with family visiting, soccer games and the beach! Love that wind chime!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

It sounds like you had a lovely weekend with friends. It is still too cold here to sit out but we're hoping soon it will warm up. Your clock is wonderful. I really like it and I'm so glad you found it. The wind chime is perfect for we tea lovers. Thank you for sharing and linking and have a beautiful day, Deanna.


podso said...

Quite a change from the snow you had so recently. HL is fun store.

Sandi said...

Beautiful colors!

Theresa said...

SO nice to share your time with friends:) Now to look forward to your weekend to see more friends, perfect! I am enjoying being home:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS! said...

Love the hanging clock. Yes, I miss Hobby Lobby, we had one in Ohio, where we used to live, that was about 10 minutes from us.

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