We watched the first episode yesterday on pbs.org. I like it, but somethings were surprising.
Take Marmee, for instance. She's brusk in her tone, a lot, and she tells the girls in one scene to that the girls had "five minutes to get out of the house, to school and work." It sounded so much like what a modern mother would say. I did like the scene where Jo and Marmee are talking about Jo's temper and Marmee confesses that she has learned to control her own temper, but hasn't mastered her temper. Her behavior, in the scene where Meg has sprained her ankle at the party and John Brook and Laurie help Meg into the house, was so ungracious that she scared poor Laurie and Mr. Brook out of the house!
I like the cast, even if I don't like the way Marmee is written. I am looking forward to watching the rest of the episodes as they come out.
Little Women is one of my favorite books from my girlhood and I feel as if I want to read it again. I grew up with no sisters, but I have four "Little Women" of my own, and the story is sweet to me.
Cheryl shared a link to a quiz you can take to see which character you are. You can take the quiz here. I took it and got Jo. No surprise to me. Sarah got Jo, also no surprise, and Rachel got Meg, though she thought she'd get Beth. I think she is more Meg like than Beth, though she is introverted and reserved like Beth.
If you are watching Little Women, tell me what you think about it in the comments. Also if you take the quiz, and I hope you will, tell me which character you are and whether you agree with it!
Thanks for telling me Little Women is available now, I will look for it. I like the photo with the girls and their pastel dresses and flowers in their hair.
Hi! New to your blog! Not watching this yet, but thanks for the reminder! We just left cable TV and now only use Roku and Play Station Vue (but are saving $100 a month)...so it might take a tiny bit of a search for me to find it. :)
I have always loved Little Women and so far I'm really enjoying this version. I took the quiz - thank you for sharing that - and I am Beth. Not much of a surprise there!
Not watching, but may have to give it a go. I despise modern day sensibilities and
expressions put on characters of a former day, so the Marmee thing will annoy me mightily.
I was Jo as well, but now wish to take the quiz again to see if the lever is stuck.
I’m recording them and watched part of the first episode. Louis Dean grew bored so perhaps this is something I will watch on my own. He’s heard of Little Women but never read it.
I agree that Marmee seems a bit different than I expected. It will be interesting to see If she remains so.
Took the test and I got Jo, too!
I started to watch and then stopped. I am hooked on the 1994 film and will have to start watching the PBS one with an opened mind. Try again tonight. Hope I can do it.
I'm not watching. The 1994 film is so good and I don't feel the urge to watch a new one. I guess I'm kind of stuck in the mud. I took the quiz and got Beth, but I don't agree at all. I thought I'd get Meg.
I enjoyed the new Little Women, although it doesn't compare to the Winona Ryder/Susan Sarandon version, in my opinion. I do think that Susan Sarandon's interpretation of Marmee is gentler, more like my understanding of Marmee as I read the book.
According to the quiz, I am most like Beth, although I expected to be Meg.
I love this photo!
Welcome! We don’t have cable or satellite. If you go to pbs.org you can watch the episodes online!
That’s my pet peeve too!
To me Marmee was a genteel woman, not so brusk.
It is different. I really like the other movie but I didn’t like how the screenwriter added the philosophy of the Alcott family as the philosophy of the March family.
I do like that version and it does color how I feel about this one. For some young girls and women this will be their first Little Women movie.
I agree about Marmee. Marmee is genteel not brusk in her tone.
Little Women is probably my all-time favorite read. And I love it as much as an adult as I did as a young teen. The book is chock full of wisdom, mostly off the lips of Marmee. I am definitely watching the PBS show. I took the quiz, and I am Meg, which is no surprise to me. I told my daughter that I took the quiz, and I asked her to guess who I was. Without hesitation, she said Meg. I guess she knows me pretty well, and we both agree I am Meg.
No I am not watching but it sounds great! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!
We can't wait to watch! I haven't decided yet whether my littlest girls (8 and 10) will be able to watch it yet - we try to have them read the books before watching movies, though I did bend that rule with several Jane Austen movies. I still remember how I cried when I was younger and read the scene (SPOILER ALERT) where Beth dies. I wept for hours.
I liked it but I didn't love it. I'll definitely watch the conclusion, though. It was better than what they've done with some classics recently!
Maybe I'll like this version in the second episode (I think there are only two?) And I thought it was a bit too choppy for me. Maybe I should watch it again. I got Jo and knew I would, she's always been my favorite character and reminds me of myself. In grade school they called me "Jo" when we were all reading the book--probably 5th grade. I agree with the Marmee comments.
Can you believe that I have never read the book!!
They are all so well-dressed. No sweatpants in that era!
Returning to say that I have watched this week’s episode. Emily Watson reminds me of Kate Burton. Anyway, I like actresses who play their roles convincingly. No mother’s eyes would be dry in the loss of a child. And I have lesser complaints.
I remember you taking us to see Little Women in the movie theater shortly after we came back from Africa. It was my first movie theater experience! :)
I finally made up my mind to watch the 3 episodes. Enjoyed it and will watch again. I liked the fact that the Father character was in this more than the 1994 film. I never thought that the Mother and Father in the film clicked. This PBS series was very good. How they showed the Mother's emotions was realistic. The close up angles was awesome cinema.
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