Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

60 Years

They were the age of Sarah and Rachel when they married.  Just 17 and 20.  They knew each other for about 5 months when they married.

She was between her Junior and Senior years of high school and he was in the Navy.  He was away for part of her school year, and when he was home he had to sign her report cards or absent slips.  

They both were churched but didn't know the Lord then either.  Over the years they struggled, but the Lord kept them together.

They have a heritage of 3 kids, 1 daughter in law, 1 son in law, 10 grandkids, 3 granddaughter in laws, 3 grandson in laws, and 9 great grandkids.

Today they celebrate 60 years of marriage.

My brother Robert and his wife have been married 36 years.

Tim and I have been married 31 years.

My nephew Ryan and his wife Alicia have been married 13 years.

My niece Jill and her husband Rodney have been married 10 years in November.

My nephew Evan and his wife Bethany have been married for 2 years.

Lindsay and Joseph have been married for five years.

Nate and Kay have been together for 10 years and married for four years in September.

Emma and Vinnie will be married for 4 years in December.

That's 165 years of marriage altogether!

I'm thankful for my parents - for their love and devotion to their family, and setting a good example of trusting the Lord.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! We love you!


  1. A very happy and blessed Anniversary to them! Sixty years! Amazing. How funny that your dad was signing report cards for his bride. 👰🏻

  2. So sweet to read more of their story!! What a wonderful heritage of faithfulness and longevity they are giving to their family!!

  3. So beautiful. Made me tearful :) Seeing long marriages is inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Happy Anniversary. What a legacy. Here's to many more.

  5. Beautiful couple, happy Anniversary to your Parents! It takes a lot of love to keep a marriage going that long. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  6. That's a wonderful story and a wonderful legacy of love that they've left in their wake. Congratulations to all!!!

  7. Your parents have aged well. Someone was just talking to me yesterday about the advantage of marrying young--how you mature and grow up together and don't have to get used to living with someone after being single for awhile. I remember my parents' 60th and the celebrating we did--happy anniversary to your parents! I like the way you've added up all the years! To God be the glory.

  8. Sixty years is a lovely milestone to reach! Happy Anniversary to your parents! Enjoyed reading their story.



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