Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Knitting Season


Mom wanted to go to Costco yesterday, and I had a gift card for Hobby Lobby that I wanted to use, so she and I headed out in the afternoon.

They have all their autumn and Christmas things on sale, so I had a good look at those items. I really have paired down what I do for the holidays, and I didn't need anything. 

I looked at various other things, then headed for the yarn. It's knitting season for me. I love to have things to do with my hands while I watch something or listen to a podcast.

I'm addicted to their color and the feel of these velvety yarns. I also bought a new size of needle, and have determined that this winter, I'm going to get on youtube and learn to knit new stitches and maybe even how to do cables.

I really want to be able to knit sweaters for my grands, and I may try mittens this year. Kennedy is definitely getting a hat for her little, nearly bald head!

Do you knit or crochet? If so how did you learn? I learned to knit from a Klutz book, and have used the basic knit, purl ever since!


Vee said...

Gorgeous colors! You Tube is such a good resource for learning new things. My mother taught me how to crochet. My paternal grandmother taught me how to knit. My hands aren't too cooperative with either crocheting or knitting.

Unknown said...

Those yarns are so pretty - love the colors! I don't know how to knit and I crochet just enough to make dish cloths and potholders. I do hope to learn to knit someday. And sew and quilt. I have an extensive list of things I would like to learn to do! in the meantime I enjoy seeing all the beuatiful things others create!

Kim said...

Love the yarn, the only word for it is delicious! I can almost feel it from here. My daughter just learned how to crochet from YouTube. I need her to teach me!!

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