Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Tea On Tuesday

 I found some lovely tea things on Saturday. They are unique and have started me on a new collection.

I showed you this sneak peek yesterday. Here are more of the details. 

I found the one with the eagle first, and I put it in my cart right away. It's unique, and I loved the branches and stars, too.  At a different booth I found the one with the ship! Same manufacturer, of course, and same series "Heritage." 

I haven't had time to research them to see what this series or collection of tea cups had for designs. Also interesting is an American Heritage series made by an English china company!

What are some interesting tea cup patterns you've seen or own?


ellen b. said...

These days I limit my purchases to made in England. I have a hard time walking away from Johnson Brothers. I have a few Russian pieces. My tea collection started in 1973 while I was in England touring with a Christian 'rock' band. I bought a Royal Albert Tea service in Oxford for my Hope Chest, Moss Rose. After we were married Dear and I added a full service for 12 to the set in Canada at a china outlet type store across the border from Detroit. We had such a hard time at the customs border coming back into the U.S.A. but not because of the China. They thought we purchased my camera in Canada. Oye! Sorry for the novel I just wrote. These pieces you found are unusual. A fun find.

Beside a babbling brook... said...


And did you see my link, concerning the real reason, for the Southwest Airlines issues?????

You might be interested in subscribing to Alex Berenson's Substack, as well.


Paula Alexandra Santos said...

They are lovely! I have a coffee set that belonged to my husband's grandmother. It has a little bird and flowers and it belongs to Vista Alegre, one of the oldest companies in Portugal.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

I like the shape of those cups! They are unique, and a fun find. I haven't purchased anything for a long time. One can only collect so many treasures and you run out of room which is my problem. If I did happen to find something that I fancied, I would give away a couple to make room for the newbie. Happy Autumn, Deanna!

Kim said...

What lovely finds! I hope you get more...

Vee said...

I like my Mayflower commemorative tea cup in red transfer ware and also made in Great Britain.

These new tea cups are intriguing. You'll enjoy the hunt. Anyway, they are perfect for serving tea to men.

Cheryl said...

Let us know what your research turns up about an American heritage tea set made in England! :) It's kind of fun to have a new thing to collect (as long as that "thing" is not too pricey) because it adds new excitement to the treasure hunt.

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