Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

My CottageCore Home

 Have you ever heard this term?

I have and last night, at my gathering for mom's from our homeschool co-op, one sweet gal said, "I knew it! I knew your home would be magical. It's so CottageCore." I thanked her, her words made my heart sing.

"I like English Cottage style," I said. She commented that she did, too. It really was sweet of her to express those compliments to me. You can find kindreds everywhere, even between a woman closer to 60 than 50, and a woman in her 30's. I'm still smiling.

Of course, my little cottage was looking it's best last night. 

Here are some photos I took this morning.

CottageCore is really an idealized country life. People all over Instagram,  YouTube, and Pinterest show their CottageCore lives.

I smile. I'm finally in style, you know. Hip. Happening. (grin)

I have just lived by the adage of making your home warm and welcoming for your family. Make is cozy. I like ambient lighting, pillows, blankets to wrap up in, candles, my diffuser pumping out scent. I like English style secretaries, my great-grandmother's china hutch, Tiffany style lamps, with red of course, china, silver plate, tea cups. It all makes me happy.

And I love it when guests come over and are immediately comfortable and feel welcome.

Goals accomplished.

I'd love to hear about how you have decorated your home. Do you use family heirlooms? Modern? Farmhouse? Tell me in the comments!


Beside a babbling brook... said...

OHHHHHH, those red Tiffany style lamps! I _noticed_ them, immediately!!!!!! Be still my heart. -smile- And I have found that them-with-red are hard to find. Lucky you!!!

Never heard of Cottage Core! -smile- But your home certainly fills the bill of cozy and welcoming. And to me, that says "Home."

Ours is as we like it. Old fashioned because we have flowered wall paper, which has "gone out" I think. -smile- And lots of my favorite colors of different shades of pink, rose, wine, etc.

My husband has made furniture over the years. Nothing newly, actually, but replacement for my recliner, which 'died.' And it is a deep maroon-or-brown color. I prefer to 'see' dark maroon. -smile-

My grandmother's wooden kitchen table... An old rocker, from our very old building, where our old drug store is. A family wall clock. Etc.

"Our Comfy" is our "style."

Shadows mutter,
mist replies;
darkness purrs
as midnight sighs.
~Rusty Fischer

Kim said...

What a great compliment...and yes, our cottage style decor is back in style. Although I've always thought we were pretty hip! ;)

Unknown said...

Funny, I had just been reading about CottageCore and yes, your home is just that - warm and wecoming! I love it! My home is eclectic. Lots of old prim antiques, darker colors, many family heirlooms and lots of nature. I've tried so many things but I've finally come to realize that I have to do what my house wants! I just don't feel comfortable with stark, bare walls and white! Your home just looks so inviting. A place anyone would want to sit down in with a nice up of tea and have a long conversation!

ellen said...

Your home is lovely! I've heard of Cottage Core and it suits me, too. Although, Granny Chic is more like it. I love English Country, teapots, flowers, books and everything cozy. My daughter's friend came over for the first time. Her mother passed about 6 years ago. When she came in, she got teary and said my home reminded her of her mother's home. Very Victoria magazine! I'm happy the things I've always loved are coming back in style. I loved seeing your home.

Linda said...

I've never heard that term before! It suits your home perfectly! I'm not sure what you would call my home.....warm and cozy is what I love. Once, when Amber was a teenager, she asked a friend, "Have you ever been to my house?" The friend said, "I don't remember if I have or not." Amber said, "No! You would REMEMBER our house!"

Sue said...

Your home is so warm and inviting, I always love it when someone visits and compliments me, I love all styles except modern styles, I guess you could say I am eclectic! I do have antiques mostly passed from family members! I noticed you had a secretary that looks so much like mine, if only furniture could talk! Thanks for sharing!

Cheryl said...

I had not heard the term CottageCore. Where have I been? It is easy to see why your friend's words were music to your ears! Our homes are an expression of who we are, so it is encouraging to know that your home is welcoming and charming! I love what you say about your home . . . that you simply gather the things that you love and find beautiful, no matter the trends. I think that is true homemaking.

Theresa said...

Warm and welcoming, I would feel right at home immediately walking inside your door. Enjoy your day dear friend, hope it's a great one! HUGS!

A Joyful Chaos said...

It looks so cozy and happy!


Sherry said...

*CottageCore*.. i've never heard of this style term before but that's not surprising considering i'm out of the loop about many things.. but the term fits your style and your home just perfectly! every inch is wrapped in coziness. in welcome. in: come and stay a while or longer. have a cup of tea. would you like a scone? jam on that along with clotted cream? here - read this book you'll love it. a heart to heart. yes, that's you. hugs.

sometimes styles are forced, so to speak. example: we went from a cottage to a more modern architecture house in the mountains a bit over two years ago. i'm still somewhat navigating my way as it isn't my style preference. but. i think i'm adding just enough to soften the geometric lines of the interior.

Sherry said...

CottageCore newbies - glad i'm not the only one!

A Joyful Cottage said...

Cozy, warm, inviting, are only several adjectives that come to mind to describe you charming cottage. I think English cottage style is timeless. And I'm all for that! Your home is lovely. Hugs.

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