Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 4, 2021



We started off the weekend with a family game night on Friday. Tim grilled burgers (they were so good) and Lindsay brought homemade apple cider! It was delicious.

After dinner we played Redneck Life! Oh. My. Goodness. It was fun! We laughed and laughed!

Saturday was a day at home mostly. I did run and errand, but other than that, we tidied, Tim put up hand rails on the basement stairs! Wow, what a difference that makes for me, and for my parents! Tim and I watched an episode of Vera in the evening.

Yesterday was my birthday! After church we went to lunch at Texas Roadhouse with my parents, Wes and Rachel, and Kyle, Kamryn, and Klaire, along with Tim and I. It was so yummy and it was a good time.

After lunch we came home for cake and gifts. Tim got me my own fire ring, and I believe I have something else coming. Rachel and Wes got me, a lap desk I'd had on a wish list on Amazon, and Nate and Kay got me something very special and unique.

Knowing my love of tea, she found a video my this artisan and ordered the earrings and necklace for me. I'm almost worried about wearing them for fear I'll break it or lose the tea sandwiches or something! Aren't they so cute and special?

My mom's gift is going to tea together! I'll wear my special jewelry!

I had conversations with my two out of state girls, too. I'm blessed!

Oh, and another big blessing! We are going to have another grandbaby in the spring! Emma and Vinnie are expecting another blessing! We are all very excited! Can't wait to see them at Thanksgiving!

That was a pretty exciting weekend! I hope yours was as well.


Vee said...

Happy Belated Birthday🎈

So many lovely gifts, including news of a new grandbaby. 😁

Since your birthday was on the first day of the week, I do believe you can keep right on celebrating all week long.

We have an October birthday to celebrate next Sunday. The birthday girl has asked for spaghetti and meatballs for her birthday supper.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

What a lovely weekend, to celebrate it with.

OHHHHHHH! Those earrings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy, happy, happy for you...

✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

ellen said...

Happy Birthday to you!

Cheryl said...

Looks like a beautiful weekend, filled with things that you love! Happy birthday to you!! Love your sweet tea-themed jewelry. And I am imagining the laughs around your table as you played the redneck game. Sounds like lots of fun!

Happy congratulations on another sweet grandbaby to join your family!!

Theresa said...

Happy Belated birthday, great gifts and a new Grandbaby coming! Sounds like perfect birthday gifts, love the jewelry:) Time together is the best gift of all! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Information Friday

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