Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 31, 2022



The weekend started quietly with hanging out with Wes and Rachel for a few hours. Some weeks are tiring and it's nice to relax on a Friday evening. They've gone south for a week to visit family, both his and hers.

I spent part of Saturday working on moving some decor around in the living room. Remember my plate wall? 

Well, a few months back, the old computer monitor died, so we decided to use our tv as a monitor. We really only use it to stream movies, so it was easy to move it to the desk and use it for both! 

The problem was that the tv is larger than the monitor was and some of the plates were now behind the tv. I've lived with it that way for a few months, because Tim kept thinking we'd get a new monitor. But Kyle and I recently told him the tv works really well as a monitor and since it's in a good location for watching movies too, let's just leave it. (It also helps that Kyle has his own gaming laptop!)

So the plate wall needed to change, and rather than just rearrange the plates, I proposed, moving the plates to the other wall. The wall I planned to move them to, had the big art picture of the white geraniums. 

If I moved it to this wall, then the art print needed to move somewhere else, and I just happened to think it would look good on the shelf over the stairwell! 

And it does!

This is a huge shelf and awkward to get photos of! But I really love the art print there with my plants!

So then I decided to take the silver framed mirror and hang it on the wall over the chairs, and put some plates, but not all, around that.

Tim got busy finding the stud and hanging the mirror. 

I put some plates up, and them I was trying to decide what to put on top of the cabinet where this mirror had been. You can see the spot in the mirror.

As Tim and I talked, I mentioned my antique gold mirror, but I had thought he had said it was too heavy to hang in the space where we hung the silver framed mirror. He said, "It wouldn't be too heavy hung here on the stud," and so presto chango, the mirror I really wanted on this wall got hung!

Then I shifted the sign that Rachel bought me for my birthday several years ago to the top of the cabinet.

Then Tim hung the silver framed mirror in the hallway where this sign had been.

I then moved the Williamsburg watercolor prints to the former plate wall. I thought  the black frames would look good and balance out the tv.

I was right. They really look good above the monitor.

We then spent Sunday afternoon celebrating a sweet one year old!

Her cake is actually cupcakes! It was perfect and this wee girl loved it!

Happy Birthday, Baby girl!

We had fun just both sets of grandparents, the great grands, an uncle, and auntie, and her Momma, Daddy, and sisters.

Lots of fun.

I hope you had an excellent weekend! 

Friday, January 28, 2022

Good News Friday

The New York Times Admits Unvaxxed People Have 'Lower Rates of Infection and Hospitalization' Of Cov*d 19 Than The Vaxxed. Read {here}.

HISTORIC! Over 50,000 Truckers Join Freedom Convoy Through Canada Protesting COVID Mandates – Massive Crowds of Canadians Show Up In Support

Read more {here}.

Not good news but important to be aware of.

U.S. Developing Vaccine Passport System Using Complex Web of Big Tech Partnerships

Read more {here}.

Back to Good News.

Some good points from the Twitter-verse...

Did you see this week that Neil Young told Spotify that it was either his music or Joe Rogan's podcast? I knew this wouldn't go well, because Rogan's podcast brings in millions in revenue for Spotify. 

Also, Neil Young doesn't own the rights to his music anymore, he sold them. So there's that.

I loved this! We are winning!

Speaking of war...

Why is this administration trying to stir up war in Ukraine? Europeans aren't worried enough to get involved. Ukraine doesn't seem worried. The US wasn't invited to be a part of talks in Paris. The world knows Joe is not up to the job, and has sidelined him.

"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something in your life." Winston Churchill

I'll leave you today with this.

“When the world is all at odds

And the mind is all at sea

Then cease the useless tedium

And brew a cup of tea.

There is magic in its fragrance

There is solace in its taste;

And the laden moments vanish

Somehow into space.

The world becomes a lovely thing!

There’s beauty as you’ll see;

All because you briefly stopped
To brew a cup of tea.


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Home Keeping: Living Room Rearrangement

 One thing our little cottage has always needed is a lot of seating. That is still true today. We practice hospitality on an ongoing basis, and even on a Sunday afternoon if Wes and Rachel are here for lunch, we need seats for 9 people. We also have the computer in the living room.

The reason for this rearrangement was to create a larger walk way between the living room and the kitchen table. So it occurred to me last week that if I switched the couch and the two Ikea chairs, the slimmer lines of the couch would make for a wider path, so to speak, between living room and kitchen.

There is a nice wide space in the middle of the living room. This makes for ease of movement in the room, places for grands to play. I could always put a coffee table in this room again, and I might! I want to live with it for a few weeks and see if that is needed. It would pull the arrangement together, I think, and provide places for coffee mugs, or feet! (grin)

This rearrangement took about five minutes. Easy Peasy, but gives a new look. Wes said on Sunday, "What's different? It looks more open in here." Simple changes sometimes make a big difference.

This is the only room I can do this in right now, but I love rearranging and repurposing furniture. Changing pieces from one space to the next. I've been doing it since I was a kid rearranging my bedroom furniture. My mom would say, "What are you doing in there?" I'd reply, "Moving my furniture around." She'd say, "Didn't you just do that?" Me, "About a month ago!" Sometimes I'd leave it longer, but I was a creative child. 

Do you rearrange furniture in your rooms?

Tuesday, January 25, 2022


Here it is. It's basically the same as I've had for several years now. It's just shorter again this time.

My hair is baby fine, curly, and I have several cowlicks in the front. It makes for challenging hair styling. I'm also thin on top due to hypo thyroid issues. 

I've just purchased hair spritiz by Rowe Casa Organics. {hereMy niece is a fan of their products, and I saw a review from someone who had thyroid issues, too, so I decided to give it a try.

I'll let you know how it goes. Sometimes with natural products you have to use them for a while to begin to see the benefits. It does not make sense to me to use a chemical based product on my scalp.

Here is Rowe Organics description of the hair spritz from their website -

"Are you looking for a pure and effective solution to thinning hair or balding? Rowe Casa Organics presents the all-natural hair spritz - a powerful restorative solution for combating balding and thinning and brittle hair.

Its unique blend stimulates hair growth and adds volume, strength, and luster to your mane. It can be used by both men and women. And since our formulation is crafted solely from organic ingredients that you can trust, it’s also safe for kids! As a one-of-a-kind hair spritz without alcohol, its purity and potency have helped it rise to the top spot, quickly emerging as one of our top sellers.

One of its key ingredients is witch hazel, which promotes blood circulation to the scalp, which in turn increases oxygen supply to the hair follicles. Consequently, it not only helps foster hair growth but also softens dry, frizzy hair. Similarly its other key components, namely 100% therapeutic grade essential oils like rosemary, lavender, and tea tree oil have long been used in relieving hair problems. Renowned for improving overall hair health, they promote hair growth by reviving and regenerating cells, increasing hair growth and thickness.

Besides, both lavender and tea tree oil have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, which help maintain scalp health while keeping dandruff and itchiness and other annoying scalp-related issues at bay. Cedarwood oil, another vital element of our formulation, balances the oil glands in the scalp, leading to minimized hair loss coupled with increased hair growth."

I also am getting more grey hair, and it has a bit of a different texture than my natural color.  I'd love to hear from any of you who've gone through the greying of your hair!

It's been grey days, and terrible for photo taking but I'll try this afternoon to get some good shots of the living room. I also will have to move my boots to my closet from where I took them off last night and left them! Ha! Do you do this?


Monday, January 24, 2022



Friday I went and got my hair cut. It was basically a big trim because I don't go regularly. This time I have my next haircut already scheduled!

We ate leftovers for dinner and played some Rummykub afterward. It was fun. Saturday was a puttering day here at home for me. I swapped the couch and the two club chairs to make more room between the kitchen table and the chairs. The walkway was tight.

Kyle went with Rachel who was picking up some FB Marketplace purchases, and Tim decided to rent a stump grinder and help out some friends who had stumps that needed to be ground. Kyle met up with him because the second place he was going was to the family of Kyle's best friend! The guys ground out 11 stumps at that home property. (They have 18 acres)

In the meantime I got some reading in, watched a movie, and was basically only responsible for myself until they got home. Of course my parents were around and they had Kamryn this weekend, so I wasn't really alone.

When my guys got home, I peeled some potatoes, Tim chopped and we got them ready to cook for lunch on Sunday. I also popped a turkey into the oven to slow roast for Sunday, as well. It was so good. Slow roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and Rachel made some green beans. She and Wes came for lunch after church, hung around for the afternoon, too.

We had some light snow.

In late afternoon, I made some Snickerdoodle cookies. They were really good. You can find the recipe {here}.

I often use recipes from Sally's Baking Addiction, and this one did not disappoint, either! Snickerdoodles are one of my favorite cookies. 

Did you see the March for Life video this weekend, or the March Against Mandates? Both were huge gatherings! So grateful to see people getting out and standing for our Constitutional rights.

Here is a 45 second video from the March for Life.

This week is shaping up to be a busy one for me. I will also try to get photos of the rearrangement of the living room, and my haircut, too.

I hope your weekend was good. I'm a optimist and I hope you are encouraged, friends. Remember which side controls the media and the narrative. They'll always make it seem as if everything is doom and gloom. It's not. Good things are happening. 

Friday, January 21, 2022

Good News Friday

Welcome to Good News Friday. So Many good things happening!

Crimes against humanity. If Ivermectin could have cured cov*d and they knew it, then they allowed people to die. 

I thought this was interesting.

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Read more {here}

Can Omicron finally shut down the virus? {here}

WHO Chief scientist says, 'No evidence' healthy children or adolescence need cov*d boosters. {here}

Boris Johnson cancels Plan B cov*d restrictions. {here}

Statistic show that in England and Wales, 6,183 people died of cov*d between February 2020 and December 202, and not 150,000.  

Read the article {here}.

French Prime Minister Jean Castex said Thursday that France will end audience capacity limits for concert halls, sporting matches and other events from February 2, part of a gradual lifting of Covid-19 restrictions made possible by a vaccine pass that will be required for most public areas starting Monday.  Face masks will also no longer be required outside from February 2.

During a press conference on Thursday, Castex said France’s general Covid-19 situation was starting to change in a more favourable manner, allowing restrictions to be loosened.

Castex also justified the easing of restrictions with France's new Covid-19 vaccination pass that will come into effect on Monday, January 24, provided it gets approved by the Constitutional Council.

The prime minister added that the pass could even be suspended if the Covid-19 situation improved dramatically. Health Minister Olivier Véran said that would depend on how much pressure hospitals are under.

Read more {here}.

Read about more states not requiring the jab {here}.

We don't know the outcome for 238 pregnancies, but of the 28 pregnancies reported, 27 ended in the babies deaths.

There is still a lot going on with the 2020 election fraud.

Dutch MP asks Prime Minister Mark Rutte about his relationship with Klaus Schwab. Watch {here}.

Bombshell: CDC Admits Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccinated Immunity Alone at Preventing Covid Hospitalizations & Deaths.

Read more {here}.

From a Telegram account I follow.

I'll leave you with this interesting and encouraging news. I'm headed out this afternoon for a hair cut and visit with my friend, Jennifer, who is my stylist!

Have a great weekend, friends!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...