Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, January 7, 2022

Good News Friday

 Rachel and I had beautiful weather traveling down to take Sarah to school, and back. We got home before 5:00pm on Wednesday. God gave us the perfect window of 48 hours between snow storms to get down to South Carolina and back. I'm thankful!

It started snowing last night after 11:00pm. It stopped before the sun came up today. It's beautiful and I'm hoping that the roads will be nice and clear this afternoon when we head out for some errands.

The first bit of Good News I have is this!

The UK death rate for people with a positive test for cov*d. 130 over a seven day period. Also not an indicator of whether people died from cov*d or just with cov*d. 

More Good News!

A Federal Judge said Pfizer could not have 75 years to give the information out regarding the jab!

Did you know that the British slang for the v*x is the Jab? Even the Prime Minister uses it. I found a video of him saying it, but his whole message is tainted by the lie that "if you get the jab, you'll keep from passing the virus on to others." Our CDC admits that the jabbed do get the virus and pass it on.

A fashion Instagrammer I follow from the UK was so surprised at how bad she felt recently with cov*d (not her first time having it) since she was "triple jabbed." Sigh. She did expect to get it again! That surprised me until I watched the PM say that you won't get it or pass it on to others! WHAT?! Sigh....

Here is a video of highly censored Robert F. Kennedy Jr speaking out about this whole situation.

There is an interesting website called The Cov*d World where you can read stories from around the world. I just found it so I don't have an opinion on it yet, but if you're curious you can read it {here}.

I don't know if any of you saw Dr. Malone on Joe Rogan's podcast but it was excellent. {Here} is an article with 12 Top Takeaways from that interview.

I continue to get comments on my 'asking a question' post. Ruth is the most recent commenter there. There are several people who've emailed me privately. I hate that this WHOLE issue has become so political and has made people afraid to speak out in public.

I do appreciate your willingness to talk to me about it. 

I thought this was interesting.

The truth often takes longer to come out. It is especially hard when one side holds the media and censors anyone who doesn't repeat their narrative, or lies.

Did you know yesterday that the administration said 5 police officers died on January 6th? Did you know that's not true?

One officer, Sicknick, died the following day from a stroke. Several died in the weeks after from suicide or unknown reasons. They were not beaten or killed by protestors.

However, three ladies who were there were beaten by capitol police, two died, one survived. They were outside the building. One lady who was a veteran was shot and killed inside the building. 

There is a lot of stuff that is being covered up. 

Today the Supreme Court will hear a case about the mandates. Please pray! 

Have a good weekend, friends.


Vee said...

Praying for truth to be revealed. Praying for the lawyers presenting their case to the SC today. It is very clear in my mind and I want the court to side with the people and not a corrupt government. I am so impressed with RFK, Jr.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

You know what I am tired of?????

People who are *afraid* to say what they think.

Perhaps they have an "Inflated Opinion of Their Importance"??????

Perhaps they are............. Mmmmmm....... Better just let you, fill in the blank.

Deanna said...

Last year when the January 6th situation took place where Ashli Babbitt was shot in the neck and later died was taped by numerous people that were present with Ashli Babbitt. I watched a multitude of the videos from different angles. The door leading into the hallway of the Speaker's Lobby was barricaded so the glass windows in the door was being bashed in by protesters. They were in no way so called peaceful protesters and Ashli was amongst them. She was shot as she climbed through a indoor window by the doors that led into the hallway of the Speaker's Lobby. You can decide for yourself if the men bashing in the glass are doing so as peaceful protesters. As American citizens we have a right to protest in a peaceful manner. This particular incident wasn't peaceful.

jo said...

I’m sorry I haven’t responded after you kindly responded to my comment, I have no idea why it’s set to no reply and have no idea how to change it.
It’s interesting how you say that everything is political and I think that’s sadly true with Covid. I know an American woman who’s lived in London for several years and moved back to the states just before Christmas. She said that here in England she felt like we were all in it together as regards Covid but that in the states it is political.
I don’t agree with a lot of the stuff that you do and that’s ok, but I will say a couple of things. I choose to believe my family’s doctor who has taken good care of myself and my family for many many years over someone on the internet who may call themselves a doctor and hasn’t been peer reviewed. You can find the answer to whatever you choose to believe on the internet but that doesn’t always make it true.
We do have high levels of omnicron variant in the uk currently, certainly the vax hasn’t stopped people catching or passing it on but it has in most cases made it much milder. Ninety one percent of people needing hospital care with Covid have had only one jab or none at all. This is backed up by four friends who nurse in our local hospital that people double jabbed are much less likely to be seriously ill. I have told you my story with Covid but now everyone I know, family, friends, church are all vaccinated and have had only mild cases. I have one friend who had an allergic reaction to the jab but she was in hospital for only twenty four hours.
I’ve been researching the footballer thing and going back over ten years, there are no more footballers with heart problems now than there always have been. Sadly Sudden Adult Death is a thing and footballers have always been more susceptible because of the long games they play and it’s recommended that all young men who play football should be regularly screened. Sorry this is so long, just some thoughts.
I bought a book from Amazon and they inadvertently sent me two. Funny that the first person that came into my head who might like the other copy was you, you’ll see why when I send it. Can you send me your address to my email, don’t worry it isn’t anything Covid, politics or anything controversial. Love Jo 💖

jo said...

Oh and we do say jab over here, always have done. It’s not slang but used in place of your word shot which we don’t use. Language is so weird.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Thank you for sharing your perspective Deanna, in this world there are so many confusing voices out there. Truth will always win, but it may be trampled in the street for a time. As we have seen, so many repeated narratives from the media, have been brought to the light, and truth came forth. I pray for truth to triumph in these evil dark days. And we know that truth is Jesus Christ. No man can save us from the mess this world is in. Only Jesus can. I look to Him. And I know that one day TRUTH will reign, triumphant in Jesus Christ where every knee will bow and every tongue confess. Prayers for you and your family! Hopes that Sarah has a wonderful year at school! And may the blessings of the Lord be rich in your lives this year :)

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...