Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, January 25, 2022


Here it is. It's basically the same as I've had for several years now. It's just shorter again this time.

My hair is baby fine, curly, and I have several cowlicks in the front. It makes for challenging hair styling. I'm also thin on top due to hypo thyroid issues. 

I've just purchased hair spritiz by Rowe Casa Organics. {hereMy niece is a fan of their products, and I saw a review from someone who had thyroid issues, too, so I decided to give it a try.

I'll let you know how it goes. Sometimes with natural products you have to use them for a while to begin to see the benefits. It does not make sense to me to use a chemical based product on my scalp.

Here is Rowe Organics description of the hair spritz from their website -

"Are you looking for a pure and effective solution to thinning hair or balding? Rowe Casa Organics presents the all-natural hair spritz - a powerful restorative solution for combating balding and thinning and brittle hair.

Its unique blend stimulates hair growth and adds volume, strength, and luster to your mane. It can be used by both men and women. And since our formulation is crafted solely from organic ingredients that you can trust, it’s also safe for kids! As a one-of-a-kind hair spritz without alcohol, its purity and potency have helped it rise to the top spot, quickly emerging as one of our top sellers.

One of its key ingredients is witch hazel, which promotes blood circulation to the scalp, which in turn increases oxygen supply to the hair follicles. Consequently, it not only helps foster hair growth but also softens dry, frizzy hair. Similarly its other key components, namely 100% therapeutic grade essential oils like rosemary, lavender, and tea tree oil have long been used in relieving hair problems. Renowned for improving overall hair health, they promote hair growth by reviving and regenerating cells, increasing hair growth and thickness.

Besides, both lavender and tea tree oil have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, which help maintain scalp health while keeping dandruff and itchiness and other annoying scalp-related issues at bay. Cedarwood oil, another vital element of our formulation, balances the oil glands in the scalp, leading to minimized hair loss coupled with increased hair growth."

I also am getting more grey hair, and it has a bit of a different texture than my natural color.  I'd love to hear from any of you who've gone through the greying of your hair!

It's been grey days, and terrible for photo taking but I'll try this afternoon to get some good shots of the living room. I also will have to move my boots to my closet from where I took them off last night and left them! Ha! Do you do this?



Cheryl said...

Your new haircut looks wonderful! From my perspective, your hair is great, but I know that you see it differently (just like we always notice our own dust and dirt much more than anyone else's?) so I hope the natural hair product makes a difference for you. Grey hair is usually a little coarser than the original color, but my hair has always been coarse, so I didn't notice a big difference. (The biggest difference for me was the relief when I finally stopped coloring it!)

Vee said...

Cute! I have lots of similar issues for different reasons. I use a product called Biotin and I take the vitamin Biotin. I don't know if it is helping. I wish my hair would make up its mind...either go gray or stay brown. I have never colored my hair other than a henna rinse. I used to love that look, but that was in my youth. Too old for that now. Now I am a streaky mess. 😡‍πŸ’«

Jan said...

I love your haircut! At 65, my hair is almost completely silvery white-I started getting grey hair as a teenager. I colored it for years, but got tired of the constant touch up at the roots. It's always been really straight, but now it's also fine except right at my temples where it's a little coarse and wavy!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Love that you have curly hair!!!!!

I've been gray for years, now. :-) Colored it at first but saw the silliness of that!!!!!

Yes, hair changes, when it goes gray. (I use grAy, I like it better than grEy. -grin-) Actually, mine got some bits of waviness. But of course, those waves have a mind of their own, and goooooooo where they WANT to go. -sigh-

Am still *suffering* with the World's Most Awful Haircut. Need a call back, on a doc appointment time, to be able to call a different hairdresser and make an appointment. At present, I am leaning toward a "judy dench hair cut.' VERY short. I've had it before.

And NOTHING could be worse, than how it is at present!!!!!!!!!


Estelle's said...

What a darling look for you! Love it😘

Kim said...

It looks fabulous! I need to get my hair done, she can't see me until mid February and yesterday I cut my bangs. Shhh. Mine isn't really graying too much yet, but the color and texture have changes and it is thinner. I blame it on my age and my own hypothyroidism. I'm eager to hear how that product works.

Diana said...

You look mahhhvelous, darlink! Very nice cut!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...