Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 17, 2022


Our temperatures have been very cold, and the pool is frozen about four inches deep! The kids had fun 'walking on water' Sunday afternoon!

Friday was shopping day and errands day, and Saturday we went to breakfast with Wes and Rachel and then Wes went to work and Tim, Rachel, and I went to Costco. We got there when they opened at 9:30 but they were packed! Our Costco is always packed. 

At breakfast our server was named Deanna, spelled just like my spelling. We enjoyed that because it is not usual to meet another Deanna. I grew up all through elementary school and high school with a Deanna. She married a guy named Tim, also! And the other day, Tim did an inspection for a Tim who is married to a Deanna! Isn't that fun? So I asked our server if she was married or dating a Tim, and she said, "No, Brian, but he's great!" we all laughed.

When I was growing up, my parents knew three couples who were named Bill and Carol! So funny. Have you known couples that have the same names?

We dropped by Rachel and Wes' apartment to drop of Rachel's purchases, then we dropped her off at their work.

Tim and I went to the Amish farm where we buy eggs, then came home.

He had an inspection in the afternoon, but I got to get cozy at home. I folded laundry, read, listened to an interesting interview, texted with Vee

Sunday we were expecting a storm in the late afternoon, but we had church, and when we got home I put together a chicken pot pie. I had cooked the chicken in the crock pot while we were at church, made the creamy sauce when we got home, then through the chicken (which Tim cut up), a mixed bag of veg, and the sauce into a 9x13 pan, and topped it with a can of crescent rolls.  So good. Wes came over for lunch and an afternoon of games. Rachel was helping a friend who is a photographer.

We played Gin Rummy, then Skyjo, my parents played, too.

It started to snow around 3:30pm.

We got more snow than they were thinking we would but then late evening it changed to sleet, then rain. The temperatures warmed up, too, so by time Tim needed to leave this morning for an inspection, the roads were completely clear, and most of the snow is gone though there is still snow on the grass.

Sarah's school sent as many students off campus as possible before a storm hit them, as they tend to lose power on their campus. She went with a friend whose family lives nearby, for the weekend. They cancelled classes until Tuesday morning.

Our daughter and her husband, in Tennessee have cov*d. They had a fever for a few days, and not feeling well, so I had our son in laws sister pick up some soup for them, and deliver it. I'm grateful for her willingness to do that for us.

Emma was so thankful. It's hard to be the "chief cook and bottle washer" as my dad used to say, and be sick. She was feeling better yesterday, which is good. The kids are doing fine, just going a bit stir crazy from being inside for days! I'm hoping that if they feel even better today, that she can sit outside while the kids ride their bikes.

Hope you are all faring well. It's supposed to get up to 40 degrees today, but it's very windy and we can expect gusts of up to 50 miles an hour.

Such is life in winter in Pennsylvania.

If you are interested in the interview I watched you can watch it {here}. Clif High is a very brilliant and interesting man who has been involved in tech his whole life. As with many brilliant people, he's quirky, but I found his analysis of what has been happening all through DJT presidency and this year after, to be insightful. The interviewer is Patel Patriot who has written the Devolution series that I have mentioned several times. I found it so interesting, that I listened to it again last evening with Tim.

Warning their is a language alert near the end of the hour, when talking about some really bad people, and he believes in aliens. So there is that. I however believe any kind of alien type stuff is demonic activity. So there is that! Just wanted to give you a heads up if you wanted to give the interview a listen. We've all seen that the corruption we've exposed this year in our country is not unique to our country and that it is world wide. He is very insightful I believe. If you listen to it, I'd love to hear what you think.

I am a curious person who loves to learn, and over the years I've learned to sort through information from people, to keep the good and toss the bad! That has allowed me to learn a lot, and to see a bigger picture than the narrative our msm would have us believe.


Vee said...

Oh no! Now your blog is flipping my comments out. It was a fun one, too. 😵‍💫

Vee said...

Let's I able to comment? So far; so good. It may have been as simple as clearing my cache. Thank you for the suggestion.

It snowed most of the day here. i had to go out and help the plowman, but he did the most of it. Have to go out tomorrow and treat the yard because of the ice.

The kids look as if they are enjoying the frozen swimming pool. Do they skate? Is the brook large enough for that?

I listened to Mr. High. He's a bit out there, but certainly very interesting. I like how you explained his beliefs.

Cheryl said...

Sounds like you had a cozy winter weekend! I love chicken pot pie . . . such a great comfort food. So sorry that Emma and her hubby are sick. Praying that she is as right as rain by the time of the Big Event! I know that they appreciated your thoughtful gift of food from afar! Such a great idea!

Hey, you have your own skating rink there!

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