Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

I'm Pretty Angry


Have you seen the document drop from Project Veritas? This report was put together by a Major in the Marine Corp doing a fellowship at Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). 

It shows several things.

1, DARPA did not want to do this research work because "it was too close to violating the Gain of Function moratorium."

2. Fauc* lied to congress.

3. Ivermectin (March 2020), Hydroxychloroquine (April 2020), and Interferon (May 2020) were all identified as being curative of cov*d! Ivermectin is curative in all phases of illness.

This means that they lied purposefully to the American people and the world. They hid the cures, and people died because of it.

Have you noticed that the CDC, Fauc*,  and the media are all now saying that we have to separate out the people who died WITH cov*d from those who died FROM cov*d? Even the Governor of New York is stating this!

When people mentioned this back in 2020, they were mocked and thrown off social media sites! 

The CDC director recently refuted what Justice Sotomayor said in the hearing last week about 100,000 children being seriously ill in the hospital with cov*d and on ventilators! This is patently false. Why has this justice not corrected her false statements? 

Justice Breyer stated that 750,000,000 people had cov*d in the United States. The US only has a population of 339,000,000 people! Did we somehow all get cov*d twice at the same time? There has been no statement about misspeaking from him.

This means they came to the hearing with false information, and would rule using those views. These are not stupid people who are just uninformed. They want to push this false narrative, perhaps because the narrative (the LIE) is coming apart.

People we know and care about who've died from the hospitals using the NIH and CDC protocols in hospitals, died because they were not allowed to treat them with known drugs that would cure them.

This was for political purposes. 

Remember in the beginning they told us that we'd all likely get it, for most that it would be like a flu or bad cold, and that we should protect those vulnerable to such things.  Don't wear masks, etc.

Then they changed the narrative, wear masks, we have to lock down, we need to flatten the curve, so hospitals aren't overrun. 

Do you know that in NYC only two hospitals were taking cov*d patients? They had set up the Javits Center to use as a hospital, but didn't use it, President Trump sent one of the military hospital ships and they didn't use it. 

All so they could 'show' that hospitals were 'overrun' with cases! They even parked refrigerated trucks outside to show that this is where they had to put the bodies because the morgues were overrun, too!

They put people on Remdesivir, which causes kidney problems and their lungs to fill with fluid, so they needed ventilators. We know what happened to most of these patients.

You can read the testimony of Allie from Proverbs 31 Girl blog {here}. Her father died this way. 

I've just felt so sick knowing what they were doing all this time, yet not having the proof. Well, now we have the proof.

Thanks for listening friends. I hope you'll consider the implications of all of this. 

Look into the Great Reset by Klaus Schwab. He lays out the plan in his book. He is the head of the World Economic Forum. This has all been about control.

God help us.



Beside a babbling brook... said...


We Who Seek, have known these things!

You found PROOF!!!

I am coming at it, from another angle... How Big Pharma is switching its story.

But! How many read us? I hope you have many silent readers, because I do not. Not in any number, to be reaching many.

But! Also!

IF we DID...

We would probably have been shut down by now.

Merry Midwinter Wishes

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Can't wait for Alex Berenson (Unreported Truths on Substack) to do a post on your information.

Merry Midwinter Wishes

Linda said...

It is scary and sad and tragic.....a friend told me she ordered som Ivermectin just in case and I am thinking about doing the same thing. So many people around me are catching - and recovering from Covid right now. I search online and it says the drug is not helpful for Covid. WHY is it that we can no longer trust just about anything we read??? I am angry too.

Vee said...

😡 ditto

Linda said...

(If you want to delete this, its ok)

Our son passed away Dec. 11 and the county is trying to pull a fast one and have his death certificate listed/changed as covid even though there was no autopsy performed. He died from Natural Causes that is according to the coroner--he had open heart surgery when he was 6 and the dr. then told us he could give us 10 years, 10 years turned into 18. ANYWAYS, what am I getting at? States get $70,000 for each death listed as covid. YEP, that is according to our attorney. SO, NOT saying covid is a lie, BUT the rest of it is--it's all a money scheme. AND no, it's not my grief talking either, it's the facts. And I'll be darned NY will get anymore from me. Just saying. And to which is why we are moving out of this state.

BTW, NY will not give one the lifesaving medicines if you have covid, one must be near death to receive it...and btw, some of that medicine, does end your life---it depends on what sort of comorbities (ps?) one has. AND no, there is no easy answer. When I was sick with covid in 2019 (they didn't know what it was)--I received Remdesivir, when I was near death, yep. It is an awful illness, no joke...but what is more awful is the games our government is playing. How do I know I had it? Every 4 months I get tested for antibodies, and here I sit with antibodies, STILL.

Don't even get me going on the fakeness of the mask wearing. That is another lie. sigh

16 blessings'mom said...

Listen to Joe Rogan, Bret's awful, we've been lied to, and so many people died because of these lies. I used ivermectin this past week when I had Covid, along with zinc, quercitin, lots of vitamin D (and K), and vitamin C. I was mocked and ridiculed by a commenter on my blog for using "de-wormer", but thankfully I'm almost better, symptoms no worse than a bad cold...except for loss of taste and smell. The bottom line is that we should be able to choose, weigh our options, assess our own risks...I'm 56, fat, not in the greatest of shape, but I still fared fine with the C, I do NOT want that "vax". When this whole mess first started, we were told...stay home until you cannot breathe, then go to the not overwhelm the system, just stay home...what kind of advice is that?! When the drs. that KNEW there were early treatments were shut down and ridiculed....oh dear. What a mess. I've also followed Proverbs 31 sad! Criminal!

LMJ said...

I. Am. So. PROUD. Of. You!!! I look forward each week to your updates. Many times it verifies what I’d read/heard already.
And, yes…I’m 😡, too.

Diana said...

I have been trying to tell all of this to people for over a year! Little by little, proof came, and now this big dump of proof! I had ivermectin for me and hubby and when we became sick, we took it and were better within 24 hours! People just don't want to believe it was approved and around in tablet form decades ago for HUMANS first. I feel so sorry for the people who have been blind to all of this and just following whatever the government says to do. God will shine the light on the truth that has been hidden in darkness!

ellen said...

In 2017, Dr.F in an interview said that Mr. T would have to deal with a pandemic during his presidency. How would he have known that if he wasn't involved? I also watched a video of Bill G tes saying the way to control population is through vaccines. These people are diabolical and evil. What dr. F did to those children in Africa is unbelievable. They know what they're doing.

Sherry said...

it's terribly deep. vile. shocking.
heartbreaking in its entirety. :(

Luann said...

Thank you for sharing the data.

A Joyful Cottage said...

Thank you for sharing this, Deanna. It takes a lot of courage to take the stand you are taking on your blog, and I'm praying for your well being. Warm hugs.

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  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...