Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, January 21, 2022

Good News Friday

Welcome to Good News Friday. So Many good things happening!

Crimes against humanity. If Ivermectin could have cured cov*d and they knew it, then they allowed people to die. 

I thought this was interesting.

Read more {here}

Can Omicron finally shut down the virus? {here}

WHO Chief scientist says, 'No evidence' healthy children or adolescence need cov*d boosters. {here}

Boris Johnson cancels Plan B cov*d restrictions. {here}

Statistic show that in England and Wales, 6,183 people died of cov*d between February 2020 and December 202, and not 150,000.  

Read the article {here}.

French Prime Minister Jean Castex said Thursday that France will end audience capacity limits for concert halls, sporting matches and other events from February 2, part of a gradual lifting of Covid-19 restrictions made possible by a vaccine pass that will be required for most public areas starting Monday.  Face masks will also no longer be required outside from February 2.

During a press conference on Thursday, Castex said France’s general Covid-19 situation was starting to change in a more favourable manner, allowing restrictions to be loosened.

Castex also justified the easing of restrictions with France's new Covid-19 vaccination pass that will come into effect on Monday, January 24, provided it gets approved by the Constitutional Council.

The prime minister added that the pass could even be suspended if the Covid-19 situation improved dramatically. Health Minister Olivier Véran said that would depend on how much pressure hospitals are under.

Read more {here}.

Read about more states not requiring the jab {here}.

We don't know the outcome for 238 pregnancies, but of the 28 pregnancies reported, 27 ended in the babies deaths.

There is still a lot going on with the 2020 election fraud.

Dutch MP asks Prime Minister Mark Rutte about his relationship with Klaus Schwab. Watch {here}.

Bombshell: CDC Admits Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccinated Immunity Alone at Preventing Covid Hospitalizations & Deaths.

Read more {here}.

From a Telegram account I follow.

I'll leave you with this interesting and encouraging news. I'm headed out this afternoon for a hair cut and visit with my friend, Jennifer, who is my stylist!

Have a great weekend, friends!


Vee said...

Sounds very promising. My hope is that once people realize the error of their thinking and behavior that they will acknowledge it and change their direction. Course we know some are so very mentally ill that they will have a much more difficult time. But this is serious. It is a matter of life and death. I happened to be at the clinic yesterday. Of the roughly twenty nurses who work there, I did not recognize one. Not one. I only recognized one doctor and two secretaries. A sign of the mandates times, I am afraid. Can you imagine the hubris of the ignorants who feel that because they think a thing, they are correct? Stupid, stupid, stupid. They do not listen to the very experts who could save their lives.

Linda said...

...and unfort. the media and our government continue to push the lies. Thank you for the commonsense post. smiles

Beside a babbling brook... said...

I have a quote, in picture form, at the bottom of my post today (1/22/'22) which I think you would like. About Freedom....

And remember the Ivermectin Walk, in Washington, tomorrow, Sun. 1/23/'22.


ellen said...

Thank you, again for all the Good News.

Linda said...

Wow!! I did order Ivermectin and it has already shipped so I should have it in a few days. Just in case.

A Joyful Cottage said...

Eyes are being opened. So much deceit. More will be forthcoming. Thanks for sharing, my friend. xx

Diana said...

I'm proof ivermectin works. And not just for covid... can't say I actually had it since I've never been tested, but whatever it was, it becoming more horrible by the hour, but once I took the ivermectin, I felt nearly 100% better by the end of the day and totally back to normal the next day. I know I was headed to being pretty darn sick. I make sure hubby and I take it as prophylaxis every few weeks. // Thank you for all of this news! By the way... can someone let that guy in the WH know, too. He needs to just stop. Ha! Be blessed, Deanna!

Nancy in the Midwest said...

Just to say, interesting how everyone thinks THEY are the ones reading accurate and truthful reports from various media/internet sources...that THEY are the only ones thinking and being discerning. And often times, all believers in Jesus Christ as their only hope of salvation. And though I certainly believe we should stand up to defend Truth, how are we absolutely certain we are getting that from OUR sources. Rom 13:1 is interesting, in light of the continued fight over a “stolen election”. At what point do we believe God Word, that for whatever reason, He has allowed all that has taken place to divide our country...on both sides. Just some thoughts from another person who has quite different thoughts on much of this. Know I may be thought of as one of the stupid ones, though I would respectfully maintain I am a thinking, discerning individual, too. I may get “ deleted or kicked out”, but maybe we all need to step back from the internet and ask the Lord what each of our roles in peace and democracy truly might be. With that,I’ll try not to post any more comments, and will continue to enjoy reading about life and live and ministry to neighbors and friends.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...