Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

More Book Reading In 2022


That's my goal.

I do a lot of reading every day, but it is news related. Current events type stuff.

After Christmas I read one of the books I received as a gift. 

I enjoyed it, as I like this series. It's interesting, tea related, and not horrific. 
I also have been reading through Marion Parson's book.

The last several years have been interesting, and I've not done as much book reading as I've done in the past.

I'm going to start this book soon.

I also have some books on my own bookshelves that I haven't read yet.

I've read some of these, and some I have not. I started Towers in the Mist by Elizabeth Goudge and haven't gotten very far. You can see my book mark in it. Sigh. I've read several of her books and enjoyed them but I just can't seem to stick with this one. 

As a reader, I've discovered that just because people you like or admire like a certain author, it does not mean you and that author will hit it off. I've decided that that's okay, and I am allowed my own taste in books. I love Jane Austen, but not everyone does. 

I like to have a variety of books going at one time as well. Reading a book like "Gentle and Lowly" is fine, but sometimes I need a different kind of book, so I'll pick up fiction. Or a book like Marion's that inspires.

I have some books by Lynn Austin my sister in law brought for me at Christmas time to read. I have book shelves full of books. Lots of material for reading.

What are you reading these days?

If you purchase through one of my links I get a very small amount of credit.


Cheryl said...

At our family New Year's Eve gathering, we talked about plans and/or goals for the new year. Almost everyone there said that they would like to read more! I have a stack of unread books I'd like to read this year. I have Marion Parson's book and have given it a perfunctory read, but I'd like to go back and read it more carefully. The one book that I was able to keep up with last year is the Book of Books! I read the Bible through last year, so I am happy about that!!

Vee said...

Just because a friend recommended... Yup. True. I am not much a fan of Jane Austen. Oh well! It takes all kinds to make the world go around.

Still not reading as much "fun" as I would like because of the old, tired eyes. I reserve my energies for the same sort of reading you have been doing
in recent years.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

I seeee, you have old Gladys Taber books!!!! I have them all. We had great fun, over the years, when we could go to Cape Cod in the fall, collecting them. Lovely old book stores. -smile-

I want to begin to read at least 20 min. a day. To get back in the swing of reading.

Never read a book, that you don't really enjoy. My Rule. -smile- Why waste time?

I'm sick of our library making me put on a mask (uselesssss), to enter... So am reading my books on Kindle. Have Kindle Unlimited, and have lots to choose from, for free. With the Kindle Unlimited monthly cost, which isn't that much.

And reading the Substacks of people who are informed.

Merry Midwinter

Linda said...

Louis Dean and I are reading Helen's Babies by John Habberton and written in 1875! Our copy is most probably 1879 but there's no dates in the books at that time. It's written in the style if that period and we have to look up words and their pronunciation every time we read. For example - yesterday we came to the word 'catarrh'.....had to look it up and it means - a runny nose. Before this we read The Shepherd of Kingdom Come by John Fox, Jr. written around 1903. Both have been fascinating!!

Theresa said...

I need to read more. Love your collection. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Terra said...

I like your collection of books that are old, or older. There are many treasures there. As you may know from reading my blog, my favorite author is Anthony Trollope who wrote in the 1870s, 80s and 90s. Love that man, my favorite of his is The Warden, about an elderly church warden who I think is the kindest man in all of fiction. Happy reading.

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