Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Garden Talk


This is another photo from Sunday afternoon. It was windy and cold but gorgeous! Yesterday it rained, and was cold, too.

The cottage garden is coming on well. The daffodils are mostly spent now, the roses are leafing out, the bleeding heart is up but no blooms yet, though they are in full bloom in my daughter in law's garden. The peonies are shooting up, the iris' are growing, as are the daylilies. I have poppy greens that are out, and in my containers I have one tulip in bloom, though I am hopeful of more.

A few weeks ago I thought we seemed ahead this spring, but looking at older photos, three years ago I had lilacs in bloom already. The flowers are coming on but not ready to bloom yet.

I have a red quince planted on the other side of our creek and that is in bloom right now, but I really do need to get better at my spring flowering plants and shrubs. 

My bridal veil spirea should be blooming in a few weeks. That is gorgeous in bloom, but they don't last long.

Here are some photos of flowers that I am looking forward to seeing soon.

I know many people had snow again yesterday, which is just not fun in April. We only had rain, which is typical for us. We'll all be complaining about the heat soon enough!


Vee said...

That iris is stunning...white with the yellow. Yes, for a while there I thought we would have an early spring. Nope. It's been every bit as compromised as some when we still had snow on the ground. We got the bitter cold blowing rain today. Nasty. And I had to be out in it. I was wet and chilled to the bone. Surely sweet warm days are coming. ☺️

Deanna said...

Beautiful flowers! LOVE THEM.

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