Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 18, 2022



We had a beautiful weekend.

We all made it to our Good Friday Communion service, which was a good way to end the day.  We live on this side of the Resurrection, so I need the reminder of Christ's sacrifice. What it was to take on the sin of the whole world - to literally become sin - and to be separated from the Father.

Saturday I spent preparing for our dinner guests, and for Sunday afternoon. I made lemon cupcakes, and walked Sarah through making Lemon Buttercream frosting. I made Curry for dinner, and our friends came to eat dinner with us.

It's great to have long time friends, who know you and your kids and who love you all. We've walked through many hard things together over the years, and I am thankful for them.

I took this photo right before our service started on Sunday morning. Carlie, Sarah's friend from school, and now our friend, is sitting next to time. She is a darling, precious young woman.

After church we popped the ham in the oven, I finished the potato salad, and we set two tables. We had 17 people around them. Everyone brought something, so we ended up with baked beans, deviled eggs, rolls, cranberry salad. We had lemon cupcakes, keylime pie, and a bowl of candy for dessert.

Then we did an egg hunt for the kids.

Then Kay had organized a grown up egg hunt, with a few gift cards, some dollars, and candy of course. 

Everyone had fun, even though it was cold and windy.

Then later, we all sat around talking, munching left overs, keeping the littles out of the candy, snuggling nieces/grands.

I'm grateful for a day to celebrate the Hope we have because of the Resurrection! An Empty tomb brings new life!

I hope you all had a special day, too.

Sarah and Carlie headed back to school this morning. Prayers appreciated for them as they travel. They have two weeks of classes left, a work week on campus, then Graduation!

So exciting!


Estelle's said...

Looks like a beautiful spring is about to enjoyed reading about your Easter...splendid!

Theresa said...

Prayers for those traveling. We had a great day too. Love seeing all of the little ones hunting eggs even though the weather was a little chilly there where you are. It was perfect egg-hunting weather here! Enjoy your morning and week ahead, HUGS!

Mrs.T said...

Sounds like a truly wonderful Easter weekend! Ours was lovely as well.

ellen b. said...

Easter...such a glorious day. Glad you could celebrate with so many!

Cheryl said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend of celebration! (We had a great weekend too, but I've been too busy to talk about it yet!)

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