Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 25, 2022


We started the weekend with dinner theater. In our family it's always a big deal to eat dinner in the living room while watching a movie, we do it so rarely. Usually we eat together at the table, but Friday, Kyle declared we had to have dinner theater and watch one of his favorite movies "How To Train Your Dragon." Are you familiar with this trio of films? They are really enjoyable, beautifully made, and funny. The soundtrack is really beautiful, too.

Saturday was a puttering day for me. I made biscuits and gravy for breakfast, then later dusted, tidied, and cleared counters in the kitchen. It's a joy to make my home a restful and welcoming place.

I had an emotional day. We have a situation in our family that has made us very sad. Some days it hits me harder than others. I'm sure you've all had situations like that. This is where we must bring it before the Lord in prayer, and leave it with him.

Tim and I went out with Wes and Rachel for dinner, and that was a cheering thing. They are fun, and wise, and busy with being entrepreneurial. They've bought a building, and are currently renting it to the existing business that has been in it. Next year they will be moving their business into it, and also starting an outfitter business. Camping gear, hiking supplies, some clothing for those activities. It's exciting to listen to them plan.

My back was bothering me so I stayed home on Sunday, and listened to Alister Begg. His weekend program message was excellent. You can find it {here}. I had put a boler roast in the crockpot Saturday night (frozen) and cooked it on high all night. Then I chopped up potatoes and carrots, added them along with some water and dried onion soup mix. It was a delicious lunch along with a salad.

After lunch my parents and Kamryn went to their small group game day, Wes and Rachel went home, our friend Denny went home, and Tim and Nate took a few of the girls on a hike.

It was a very warm day and beautiful. When they got back Klaire had gone home, so Tim and I had a campfire and sat out until it was nearly dark.

Just as we were coming inside, Nate came for Kamryn and we relaxed the rest of the evening.

Kamryn will be here soon to do school, Kyle is working with Tim today. I may run errands later, when I take Kamryn home. 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, too. I'd love to hear about it in the comments!


Vee said...

Campfires are so restful and relaxing. I did not know, until recently, that their light is actually beneficial to the body and mind. I know even a fake fire can warm a person.

Yes, there are many things simmering under the surface of family living. Praying that whatever is troubling you is resolved by the Holy Spirit's work. Take good care of yourself.

Has something changed in the commenting arena at Blogger? Seems as though it is different today.

Cheryl said...

So much life and joy and coming and going in your house this weekend . . . all good! And yet, the undercurrent of sadness can be so hard, especially as it affects those we love. Praying for you and with you . . .

Our weekend was unusually quiet, but it was refreshing. Sometimes a quiet weekend is just what you need.

joymariecooks said...

I'm sorry about your family situation. We had something with one of my siblings 5 years ago that was devastating. Thought our family would never get past it. Things were said and done that caused tremendous hurt. Thanks he to God that five years later the healing and reconciliation that's occured is FAR beyond anything we could have hoped for. God answers prayers.

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