Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 31, 2022



We've had a quiet weekend here, if you don't count dealing with mice. We've had a long autumn here with beautiful weather, but the nights are getting cold now and they are starting to find ways into the house. I found droppings on my kitchen counter the other morning (the first time ever, even though we get mice every year), and Tim said, "It's time to set the traps." The first evening we got three in the same trap in the kitchen. We are going to use a mixture of red pepper, clove and cinnamon to repel them in the places they get in. 

If you have Instagram you can find a video about it {here}.

I really didn't do much this weekend. I puttered, I made spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread for dinner on Saturday, I read. 

The Paul Pelosi storyline is fascinating to watch play out.

After church yesterday, Tim, Kyle, Kamryn, and Wes went to work on firewood at our friends' property. We are in need of firewood for this year and have never had to buy any yet. Our friends have a lot of Ash trees that have come down due to Ash blight. The guys (and Kamryn) all worked together yesterday afternoon, and will split the wood. It's a win-win situation.

Here Kamryn is getting ready to stack wood in the trailer, and that is Kyle's best friend Daniel and his dad Mike, who is Tim's best friend. It is their property where the wood is located.

You can tell the weather has been great during the days. No jackets and the guys have short sleeves.

Now today is the last day of October. With November, comes thoughts of Thanksgiving. Our church has a meal together, and a communion service the week before Thanksgiving. I'll be decorating the tables for that, but we won't be attending, because Tim's sister and brother in law will be arriving that day and staying overnight on their way to New York to hunt on the farm where our brother in law grew up.

We have three weeks left of co-op and that means four weeks until Thanksgiving. I'll be doing two tables this year, putting one in the living room. The family is getting big enough we need the elbow room. Sarah is also bringing a friend from school with her for Thanksgiving, so we should have 15 people for the meal.

I always cook the turkeys, make the gravy and the stuffing/dressing. You can find my slow roasting method in the post {here}.

A friend who has used this method for years, to great success, has family that don't trust that this turkey is cooked properly, so they are taking over the turkey cooking this year. Which is sad to me, because this turkey is properly cooked and heated, and was the recipe of a professional chef who cooked for celebrities and movie studios in the 1940's. 

This turkey turns out "perfect every time," and is the most moist and delicious turkey you'll ever eat.

Well, I must run. Tim and I are meeting a friend for breakfast, then the girls will be here for school, and the builder and architect will be here to check the grade on the property for doing the plans for the addition! 

Hope your weekend was a good one!

Friday, October 28, 2022

Information Friday

 Tim took this photo this morning of our front trees.

I took this one yesterday around 11:30 am.

It's been such a lovely Autumn.

There is a lot of interesting stuff happening, so hold on to your hats!

Pray for them. True the Vote was found in contempt of court yesterday and have until Monday to name a confidential source and their researchers or go to jail. They are in a suit that Konnech (Chinese company) has brought against them. Konnech CEO arrested because he had American's private information on servers in China, and a few more charges. That's the information True the Vote gave to the Los Angeles District Attorney who brought charges against Eugene Yu. Not sure how Konnech's civil suit is even going forward. Pray!

The US Media is finally reporting on this story that I've been sharing here for months.

This is big news! This week the Governor of NY running for re-election said that she'd do it all again. The Governor and those who fired people over the jab need to lose their jobs and pay fines or jail time.

Notice what the judge said in his ruling.

This is important.

This is huge! Pray for protection.

How many of you remember Hillary complaining for four years that DJT had stolen the election and was illegitimate? Then when a steal really did happen, they said the elections were so secure. This week she's been back saying that Republicans are going to steal the elections, at least the 2024 presidential election! How could this happen if they are so secure?

Whenever the left is speaking about conservatives, know they are projecting their crimes and wrong doing. Always.

Yesterday Bid*n said that gas was over $5 a gallon when he took office. That was a lie, again. Plus this current gas price on this graphic is not accurate for our area, so I am sure that it is higher in CA, HI, AK.

The Telegraph is a British newspaper and the NHS is their National Health Service. I find this headline true, but I am so surprised as it is not the going narrative.

Tim and I are working on getting rid of PayPal. Our business has an account and we have a personal one. It's frustrating but we are not going to support a company that thinks they have the right to censor us and take our money out of our accounts if they don't like what we say!

Elon Musk is now the official owner of Twitter. This is what he did the first day.

It's a start!

Pray friends. It's so important. Please vote in person. I know it can be hard but please go out and vote. My dad says, "I'm a 60% disabled veteran and I'm going to vote in person!" Our friend Denny, who drives a truck is taking the day off from work to vote in person. This means he misses actually two days of work because they go to a location to drop and load and the next day come back with another load. If he takes the Tuesday off, he will also be off Wednesday. He feels it is so important to vote in person.

However if you've already voted or must do mail in, that's okay. It's important to vote! Let's be part of a red tsunami and show the communist left that we do not want that system of life in our nation! 

Let's take America back to it's roots of liberty. For ALL.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Peak Week

 We are hitting peak for color here in our area. The trees on our property are so beautiful right now, but we have had rain off and on since Sunday. 

We've had gorgeous weather all autumn, and not much rain until now. It's not heavy rain, but its enough to keep you inside and not sitting out in this gloriousness!

As you can see the garden is cut back now. I'm leaving the zinnias until their blooms are all gone. The wee finches love to eat the seed heads.

Do you see my neighbors tree? That tree starts to turn at the end of August every year. It takes its time and gives us months of beauty. My trees have just hit their turning. Hopefully we'll get to enjoy them for a week or so!

What's the color like where you live?

Monday, October 24, 2022


 We spent part of the weekend getting things ready for our annual Fall Fest on Sunday afternoon. Tim and Kamryn weeded and cut back the flower beds, Kyle mowed and weed wacked, I cleaned and decluttered the living room, cleared the long counter in the kitchen and cleaned the bathroom.

Funny how having company makes you deal with the areas (like the kitchen counter) that collect all the things.

The weekend weather was beautiful until Sunday, but I'll get to that. Tim got the trailer all hooked up for the hay rides and gave Rachel, Klaire, Kamryn and I a test ride.

It was great. 

The girls went home to do a family activity, and Tim, Rachel, Wes, and Kyle went to Lindsay's house to take another tree down for her.

I worked on making a pretzel treat that you can find {here}. I used the red, yellow, and orange m's to make my treat fall like.

After church and lunch we set everything up outside for our guests.

As you can see the sky was cloudy and there was a chance of rain. Well, it ended up raining starting at our start time and on into the night! 

Now, it only drizzled for a while, so we got a hay ride in before a  long  shower. Tim covered the hay between hay rides. When the rain stopped or at least was only a slight drizzle he took people out on another hay ride.

I don't have a photo but we put pop up canopies over the food and the seating area. We all stayed pretty dry, except on the hay rides! They were popular, as they always are!

Sometime around 7:00 pm most people had headed home so those of us left went into the house. It was a great time in spite of the rain!

We even had friends from the Pittsburgh area show up to surprise us! So Fun!

Kyle had a friend sleep over, so I'm not sure what our day will look like. There is now clutter from the Fall Fest to put away (extra plastic forks, spoons, cups, etc), vacuuming to do, and maybe school with the kids, or maybe it'll be a day off. We are way ahead on our school days. 

I'm thankful for our family who pitches in an helps make this annual event happen! 

Can you believe there are only 7 days left in October? This month has flown!

Friday, October 21, 2022

Information Friday


Well friends, we've survived another week with JB as resident of the WH. God's Grace.

These people want complete control over children. They seem fine with parents housing, feeding, and clothing kids, but everything else they want to control, including when kids are exposed to sexual information.

The CDC this week, voted to make the cov*d jab a part of the children's jab schedule. This means that schools can require it in order for students to attend, but mainly it means the jab manufacturer has NO liability. Also remember the jabs were only approved for emergency use. There is no approved jab.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is opposed to this and urged the CDC to vote no. Instead they voted 15-0 to approve.

In the UK, Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned yesterday. This short statement from Nigel Farage is informative.

This shows you that the globalist are controlling every country. Many people in these countries are fighting back but I believe the US will lead the way in breaking free. 

It's going to be hard and messy. They've controlled things secretly through our politicians for so many years. It's why they hate DJT. He was not supposed to win, but the people wanted him because he was for giving power back to the people. That's how the founders set up our nation.

People every where in the world are on a path to break free. It's so easy to see. It's going to be hard to do, but it can be done. God is at work.

This report has been sent to every US Representative and every Senator.

DJT with the reminder of why they are desperately trying to get him.

Vee sent this to me this week.

Another item of interest. This doesn't surprise me. It's all about control. If you can raise your own food for your own use, they can't control you.

Here are a few political cartoons.

This happened this week during a press conference. She's a disaster as a Press Secretary.

Have an excellent weekend, friends. Share the truth with others. They are beginning to really see what is happening. Trust God, He is in control, and walk closely to Him.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...