Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, October 7, 2022

Information Friday


We had a great time with our daughter and her family in Tennessee! I celebrated my birthday there, and we celebrated my granddaughter's birthday which is this Monday! Lots of memories made and good times enjoyed together!

We have a field trip to a fire company today, so I need to get right to the news.

We must stand against this! Any kind of digital currency from the Fed as well. They could completely control our use of our own money.

Our debt is a part of the way they are trying to destroy the banking system. That way they can usher in their new currency, and the WEF plan for us all.

We do need a new monetary system, but it needs to be done by getting rid of the Central Bank (The Federal Reserve). Remember, the Fed is private and we buy our currency from them and pay it back with interest. Just think of the monthly billons being sent to Ukraine. We must buy that from the Fed and pay it back with interest.

Our nation strategic oil reserve, built up to use in time of war or crisis for the American people, is being depleted. Some has been sold to other countries.

Turns out that hundreds of FBI agents were allowed to retire and keep their retirements after being accused of sexual harassment by female employees. This agency is out of control.

This administration is using these agency to go after what they perceive as political enemies. That's anyone who believes differently than they do.

Scary times.

These stories were written one day apart at the New York Times. 

Konnech has been found to have US poll workers private information on servers in China. They have names, addresses, family members names, diagrams of the buildings that the elections are held and more. It's bad. Those "election deniers" have been saying that the election was infiltrated by a foreign country and I think this is the tip of the iceberg.

This guy is our Lt. Governor. He is running for the senate. He had a major stroke last winter and cannot string a sentence together. He wants to release criminals and ban guns. Bad News.

There has been a plot twist in Elon Musk's bid to buy twitter. They now are refusing to sell to him! First they demand he buy it after he made an offer and then when he found out so many 'accounts' were fake and wanted to back out. The lawsuit is supposed to be heard this month. Now Twit is saying they won't sell to him!

This is incredible! DeSantis has been a great leader and looking out for the people of Florida!

This video is funny and not, if you know what I mean!

Have a great weekend!


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Yes, very scary times.

Vee said...

She sounds as if 1. she's been drinking 2. she's on medication 3. she is suffering some medical condition...i.e., MS or early onset dementia. Whatever the problem, this is not normal.

I am glad that you had a great time with your daughter and her family. Those children are growing fast. I am surprised that you were able to put up a Friday post. So many frightening things going on.

Theresa said...

So happy you had fun with family. Nothing better than spending time with family to me! The information Friday confirms what a mess this Country is in. :( Enjoy your weekend dear friend, HUGS!

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