Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 24, 2022


 We spent part of the weekend getting things ready for our annual Fall Fest on Sunday afternoon. Tim and Kamryn weeded and cut back the flower beds, Kyle mowed and weed wacked, I cleaned and decluttered the living room, cleared the long counter in the kitchen and cleaned the bathroom.

Funny how having company makes you deal with the areas (like the kitchen counter) that collect all the things.

The weekend weather was beautiful until Sunday, but I'll get to that. Tim got the trailer all hooked up for the hay rides and gave Rachel, Klaire, Kamryn and I a test ride.

It was great. 

The girls went home to do a family activity, and Tim, Rachel, Wes, and Kyle went to Lindsay's house to take another tree down for her.

I worked on making a pretzel treat that you can find {here}. I used the red, yellow, and orange m's to make my treat fall like.

After church and lunch we set everything up outside for our guests.

As you can see the sky was cloudy and there was a chance of rain. Well, it ended up raining starting at our start time and on into the night! 

Now, it only drizzled for a while, so we got a hay ride in before a  long  shower. Tim covered the hay between hay rides. When the rain stopped or at least was only a slight drizzle he took people out on another hay ride.

I don't have a photo but we put pop up canopies over the food and the seating area. We all stayed pretty dry, except on the hay rides! They were popular, as they always are!

Sometime around 7:00 pm most people had headed home so those of us left went into the house. It was a great time in spite of the rain!

We even had friends from the Pittsburgh area show up to surprise us! So Fun!

Kyle had a friend sleep over, so I'm not sure what our day will look like. There is now clutter from the Fall Fest to put away (extra plastic forks, spoons, cups, etc), vacuuming to do, and maybe school with the kids, or maybe it'll be a day off. We are way ahead on our school days. 

I'm thankful for our family who pitches in an helps make this annual event happen! 

Can you believe there are only 7 days left in October? This month has flown!


Vee said...

That's a beautiful photo of Auntie and Niece. You can't keep happy people from partying with a little rain. Looks like a lot of fun. I took special notice of the sliced apples with caramel and chocolate drizzles and nuts sprinkled on top. Yum!

Cheryl said...

I am glad that the rain did not ruin all the fun! I thought about your event yesterday morning when we woke to rain here. I'm sure everyone had a grand time! The apples look so delicious and I am thinking that the pretzel treats were just right with their combination of sweet and salty. Yum!

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